Page 11 of Whit

Especially when he returns with the toast and helps me eat it.

And what’s more confusing is I let him do it.

And I really fucking like it when he brushes the crumbs from my lips.

I’m apparently starved for affection because my body lights up like the night sky on the fourth of July.

My bewildering thoughts are placed on hold when my phone rings. Whit and I glance over at it, and he reaches for it first, swiping at my screen and putting it on speaker.

“Hello, Aunt Del,” he says, and my eyebrows lift.

“Hey there, sweet pea,” she drawls. “How’s Caleb?”

“I’m fine,” I manage and then add. “Since when is Whit your sweet pea.”

Sue me. I’m jealous.

“Since he took care of you for three whole days. Without complaining. Have you thanked him yet, Caleb?”

I glance over at Whit, and his lips are twitching.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Good, I’m sending Sem and Luke over with food for you both.”

“No, don’t send them,” I protest, but my aunt ignores me.

“They’ll be there in a few hours.”

I roll my eyes as she asks Whit some questions about how I’mreallydoing and then hangs up with the promise to call him later.

Since when do they chat?

Are they best friends now?

“How well did you get to know my aunt and cousins while I was out of it?” I ask, dreading the answer.

My cousins are nosy fuckers and can’t hold onto a secret if their life depended on it.

“As well as I could with you wrapped around me,” he responds, his face betraying nothing.

“And Sem and Luke were here? Liam and Anne too?”

“I did say they came en masse.”

“Oh, fuck me,” I mutter and then ask. “When you saywrapped around me, what do you mean by that?”

He bites the bottom of his lip, and my eyes are drawn to it. He has a really lovely mouth. Soft, pink, kissable.

“It means that I got uponceto let them in, and you were moaning for me to get my ass back to bed. And when I did, you….”

“Out with it,” I mutter, not liking where this is headed.

“You crawled on top of me.”

“On top?”
