Page 86 of Whit

Mag flushes and shrugs. “Yeah, I gave it to him. Why do you think he did that?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. He’s probably intrigued. Don’t be surprised if you find him stalking you.”

“Stalking?” he asks, looking at me nervously.

“He can get a little obsessed, and he has a way of finding things out….”

“Is he like a hacker?”

“Nah,” I say, leaning back and scratching my stomach. “Maybe.”

Magnus groans and flops back on the couch dramatically, throwing a hand over his face.

“This is my life now. I should have never talked to you at that coffee shop. Now I’m surrounded by big dudes who are slightly sociopathic.”

“Thought you liked them big?” I ask, and he rolls his eyes.

“Yes, but not murderous.”

I chuckle at that, and then Magnus joins me, his eyes watering from how crazy it all is.

Welcome to my life, little dude.

“Why are you all so big?” he asks me, poking at my arms. “Is there something in the water out there?”

“Hey, stop poking me,” I mutter, and he does it again, the little shit.

“I thought you were big, but Sem’s even larger.”

He pokes my side, and I slap his hand away.

“You poke me again, you’re asking for it.”

Magnus gets a gleam in his eye, and then heslowlydraws his finger to me until it gently pokes the skin of my arm.

And I’m on him, flipping him onto his back and straddling him, keeping him in place with my thighs.

He breathes heavily, a bubbling laugh escaping as I dig my fingers into his sides.

“Oh fuck,” he giggles and writhes underneath me, his already short shirt riding up as I tickle him.

“Gonna make you pay,” I grumble, and Magnus squeals as I tickle him even more.

“What is going on here?” a stern voice behind me says, and I freeze. Swiveling my neck, I see Whit standing in the doorway, looking murderous.

I push myself up and help Magnus stand. He pushes his midriff down and looks slightly ashamed.

“Sorry, Whit. We…I was provoking him.”

Whit arches an eyebrow and then holds the door open. “Thank you for helping today, Magnus.”

Mag quickly grabs his bag and offers me a shy smile before disappearing into the hall.

When the door closes, Whit folds his arms across his chest and watches me.

I shuffle on my feet and then sigh. “Come on, man. I’m not into him. He was just being a little shit.”

Whit doesn’t say anything, just eyes me.