Page 82 of Whit

“She left when I got here.”

I nod and then say, “I need to pee.”

Whit slips off the bed and helps me into the bathroom, never leaving my side, just turning his back while I do my business.

When I walk back to the bed, my gown slips open, and I see Whit checking my ass out.

“I do a lot of squats to get this, babe,” I say, and Whit arches an eyebrow at me as he helps me slip into bed.

“Stop looking at me like that, all stern and shit,” I groan. “You’re making me hard.”

Whit opens his mouth to say something, but a knock on the door silences him.

A female doctor appears, and she smiles at us. “Hi, I’m Doctor Phillips. How are you feeling? Your finance was saying that you slept well last night.”

My eyebrows rise, and I glance at Whit, who is tapping his fingers on his thighs. And then fuzzy memories of last night reappear.

“Yeah, love of my life, right here. He’s the best,” I say, and Whit shoots me a sour look.

The doctor chats with me and says that everything looks normal. I can leave as soon as the nurse comes to go over my aftercare instructions for your concussion.

When she leaves, I say, “Care to help me get dressed, fiancé.”

Whit side-eyes me and grabs the plastic bag with all my stuff in it.

“It was the only way they’d let me in last night.”

“I like it. I want a ring, though. How does that work with two guys? Do we both get a ring, or do you give me one? Or should I buyyouone?”

“Shut up, Caleb,” he says, and I undo my gown, and it falls to the floor, exposing my naked body to him.

He fumbles with the bag, drops it, and when he finally gets himself under control, he holds out my boxers for me to step into. It’s a struggle because I’m half hard as it is.

“Can’t you control yourself?” he asks, sounding exacerbated yet pleased at the same time.

“You love it,” I say as he helps me into my torn jeans and then my t-shirt. When I’m finally dressed, the nurse comes in and explains my aftercare instructions, and I can’t help it. This is vital.

“How long until we can have sex?”

Whit’s face is overwhelmingly crimson, and I smirk at him.

“As long as there are no symptoms like dizziness or headaches, you should be fine.”

“Hear that, Whit,” I tease. “I should be ready to go soon. This guy’s insatiable. Can’t go a few hours without me.”

The nurse laughs at that, and so do I, but Whit is looking ready to murder me, so I drop the topic.

“I will make you pay for that,” Whit mutters as he helps me into a wheelchair.

“Can’t wait, babe. I can only hope for another spanking,” I say.

* * *

We make it home an hour later, and Whit calls my aunt to tell her how I’m doing. Which is fine, all things considered. I have a slight headache, and my hand throbs. But other than that, the most uncomfortable part of me is my cock, which has missed Whit more than it should.

“I left you some meals in the fridge,” Aunt Del tells us through the phone. “And once you’re better, hon, come out and see us. We’d like to celebrate your engagement.”

When we hang up, I arch an eyebrow at Whit, who is wiping down the already clean counters.