When a man tells you without irony or guile that you shouldn’t trust him—listen.

I walked away from River and the smoldering attraction between us because I didn’t need to be a psychic to know the two of us were destined for trouble.

“Because if life’s taught me anything, it’s that relying on a man to take care of me works out as well as sticking my head in an alligator’s gaping maw. Sooner or later, they snap.”

“Can’t keep making the guy who comes next pay for the guy who came before.”

It was my turn to crook a brow. “Is there a price on the unsolicited advice, or can I get going now?”

River’s laugh echoed through the tunnel. I heard him as I left, turning the lapels up against curious glances.

“How would you like to drift off in a bed tonight, rubbing your full stomach while serenaded by a crackling fire? I know it sounds too good to be true, but you can have all of that again. If you join my crew...”

River would get a lot of new recruits today, and I hoped that little girl was one of them. It’d be years before the consequences of favors ensnared her. By then, she’d likely decide the safety, protection, and family he offered was worth it. Some days—that day—I thought it was worth it too. But the next day I’d wake up and look into the eyes of my true family, and remember what happened the last time protection came at a cost I couldn’t pay.

Sienna was meditating when I returned. Legs crossed, eyes closed, low hum emitting from her throat. Our charge lay still and sleeping beside her tangled legs, not rousing when I rested a hand on his forehead.

“Train tracks as far as the eye can see,” she whispered. “An endless field of metal and gravel.”

I fixed his makeshift bed, tucking the thin blankets in around him. That was Sienna’s vision voice.

“You’re standing in the midst of pure silence and solitude. No one is coming. No one would ever come.”

“By you’re, I’m assuming you mean me.”


I shushed.

“You’re confused,” she continued. “Like this was where you were told to wait for your train, but you don’t see a platform. You turn as the headlights barrel toward you.”

Sienna peeled her eyes open. They were rimmed with tears. “I keep seeing it, Kenzie. I keep seeing you die.”

I stroked her cheek, reminiscent of my unwise contact with River. “I can’t imagine how awful it is to constantly see me like that. It’s scaring you, Sienna, but there’s one thing stronger than your visions and this fear.”


“A big sister’s promise.” I kissed her forehead. “I’m not going anywhere, anytime soon. There are still a lot of fuckers I’ve got to prove wrong. The universe isn’t cruel enough to deny me the satisfaction of seeing their faces when we’re back on top. I’d trade my soul if it means being around for that moment.”

“I’m holding you to that promise.” We locked pinkies.

“River’s coming for him,” I said. “He’s taking him to their doctor.”

“What did he want in exchange?”

“A blank check.”

Sienna winced. “Wonder what would’ve happened if you gave in to the ridiculous sexual attraction between you two and banged it out? For one thing, I bet the favors would come free.”

“It’s not like that between me and River,” I said, face heating. “He’s slick and charming with everything that moves. I once watched him flirt an eighty-year-old woman into giving us access to her apartment building. I’m pretty sure that’s how he holds his crew under his sway. They’re all half in love with him.”

“Maybe, but there’s only one person who has him returning the feeling.”

“Help me put his clothes back on.”

Sienna cracked up, picking up on my subject change and unkindly not letting it go without notice. I was buttoning up the final button when the pipes clanged their warning.

“Yo, Kenzie. Where are you?”

“Over here,” I called.

Marty and Nathan walked around the graffitied pillars carrying a yellow backboard. The two were decked out in the dirty, mismatching clothes that were the fashion of my new world. It didn’t conceal the attractive twist of Marty’s grin, or the artistry in Nathan’s jewel-tone nail designs. Somehow, the best polish and tools always found its way into his pocket.

“How did you get your hands on that?” I asked.

“River called in a favor with a paramedic.” Marty set the board down next to him.

“How did he—?”

“We talking or saving this guy’s life?”


“Ah, Kenzie.” He winked at me as we transferred my guy to the board. “I’ve missed you. When are you coming back? I don’t have to tell you Digger is heating up the streets.”

“I can take care of myself.”

He slid a look to Sienna. If anything was heating up, it was the hearts shooting out of his eyes. Sienna said I was oblivious to River’s advances, but I picked up on the fact a guy doesn’t charge a knife-wielding banger for just anyone. “What about you?”