Athena and her girls raided the place, got back the bracelet and other pieces the schemers got by taking advantage of desperate people. All were returned to them.
Hearing that story made me like Athena. Hearing she screwed Sunny up to a few weeks ago on the other hand...
“Who knows what they’re up to, if anything,” Sunny continued, unaware of my churning thoughts. “Could be innocent. They could be innocent.”
“Left that up to you,” I mumbled.
I spun on him. “Is there a reason you didn’t include that you and Athena were sleeping together in the dossier?”
Understanding dawned. “Threw that in your face, didn’t she?”
“Yes,” I snapped. “Do you have any idea how ridiculous it was spouting that I was your true, hidden love, while that woman smirked at me, acting like I was the clueless fool that didn’t know my man was cheating on me?”
“Hmm. Must’ve sucked.”
“Damn right! You should have told— Is this funny to you?”
“No,” he said, grinning wider, “I’m just really liking this side of you, Mrs. Bellisario.” Sunny sinfully rolled the title on his tongue. “Jeal-ous.”
“I am not jealous.”
“The green-eyed incubus of envy has got you, baby.”
“I have a knife.”
He howled, tears streaming down his face. “Athena and I weren’t close to serious. We hooked up when we were bored and our clothes happened to be off at the same time. If she made it seem like anything else, it was to rile you up. Which worked,” he said, risking another kick up the backside. “Here’s my question: how much did you love wearing that ring and telling people you’re Mrs. Bellisario? Told you I see the future.”
I glanced over his shoulder at the clock. “If you’re really a psychic, you’d know what I’m going to do to you if you keep teasing me?”
“Cuff me to the bedpost, ride me, rear when I buck.” He tapped his forehead. “I’ve got a clear picture of that vision.”
My knees pressed together as the vision passed to me. Sunny wouldn’t let up until his kisses, flirting, touches, and teasing finished their work—tearing down my defenses. I had a feeling he wouldn’t stop after that either.
I checked the clock again. I have to leave soon to get as much time as I can with Laurel.
“Something wrong?”
“What?” I tore away.
“You keep looking at the time. Somewhere you need to be?”
“No— I mean, it’s getting late and I wanted to catch Tricky before her bedtime. See the look on her face when I give her the jacket.”
“Let’s go now.” Sunny laced his fingers with mine, coming with me upstairs. I thought about pulling away a hundred times during the ride up. Despite his explanation, it didn’t sit right that he didn’t say there was more than friendship between him and Athena. He told me everything from her style of fighting to her to-go meal when they ordered Chinese, but the fact he knew the face she made when she came just slipped his mind?
You’re hiding something from me. The thought was a stone in my stomach. Just when I thought I finally found you—the man I could trust.
Sunny rubbed the back of his neck, wincing.
“Are you okay?”
He started. Sunny didn’t peek me watching him. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
“Is it still uncomfortable for you sleeping on your back?” I automatically rubbed the spot. “Is here where it’s bothering you?”
“Yes, but it’s not a big deal. It just twinged for a second.”
“It’s your pillows. They raise your head too high. They make special ones for that. I’ll buy you some.”
“Thanks.” He pulled away and pressed the call box for Liam. I studied him, confused.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m sure.” Liam came on the intercom and that was the end of the conversation. I resolved to get him the pillow anyway. Why did men insist on acting like nothing got to them? Instead of toughing it out, he could let me help him.
We walked into Liam’s place and found we weren’t the only ones wanting to visit with Tricky. Bane held her, smooching her cheek while Genny got her from the other side. She giggled under their kiss onslaught.
Liam sat in his armchair, my present sitting at his feet. To anyone else, he was another handsome, expressionless man typing on his phone. But to me, he radiated contentment at having his daughter home with him. Every other second, he glanced up, eyes shining on Tricky.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Booger?” Genny asked.
“I’m okay, ’cause if anyone messes with me, my aunty Genny will kick their ass!” she cried, throwing two punches.
“Damn straight.” Genny high-fived her as Liam pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing audibly.
“What about your uncle Bane?” Bane asked.
“You’ll kick them twice!”
Bane shook his head at Liam. “This girl’s going far, bro, I’m telling ya.”
“Kenzie.” Tricky looked so happy to see me, I had a flash of Laurel’s toothless smile as I climbed in the window, and almost teared up. How did I love this little girl so much already? “Uncle Sunny.” She pointed at her cheeks. “You kiss me too.”