“Traitor?” said Makai. “We’re not—”

“Save it! I’m more certain now than when I came in. Sunny’s dead, do you hear me? Dead! Some lowlife piece of shit killed my husband, and instead of respecting his choice for boss, you three are snapping and snarling at each other to step over his corpse onto the throne.”

“That’s not true.” Ryker’s hand shook. “I’m not—”

“You’re pathetic,” I spat. “Some best friend you turned out to be.”

His gun shook harder.

“The only thing that matters right now is Sunny and avenging his death. His family may not want you involved, but you were his family too. You want to make this right for Sunny just as much as I do... or at least I thought you did. Maybe what you really want are the Sons of Saint and this borough. Maybe you killed Sunny to get it.”

“Fuck you!” Makai’s spittle dotted my cheek. Real, quavering emotion crept into his voice. “We loved Sunny. He was our brother.”

“Then stop wasting time. Ryker, Makai, Boone, Olive, Trinity, Koda, and Xander, we’re going to Sunny’s office where I’ll tell you all I know about Sunny’s attack and the person behind it. We’re coming up with a plan to find this bastard by the end of the week. The man who killed my Sunny doesn’t get to live longer than that.

“The rest of you, get back to work.” It was a miracle, or it seemed like one. The crowd peeled off and went back to their stations, resuming cleaning their guns, counting diamonds, and prepping antiques without back talk or questions. And Makai and Ryker, they lowered their guns.

“This doesn’t mean I believe you are who you say you are,” Ryker warned, “but I’ll throw in with anyone who wants that motherfucker dead.” He turned away. “For now.”

I released Athena, tossing her away from me. Guilt tore me as she hit the floor. She had every reason not to trust me and want to protect her crew from a random flashing rings, demanding they hand over their business and money. Plus, Sunny liked her. He said she was smart, funny, and badass, and the two of us were meant to be friends.

I did what I had to do to earn everyone’s respect. At least it’s done now. I won’t have to pull a knife on anyone ever again.

Athena straightened—her hair wild and sticking up. She leaned as I passed, lips brushing on my ear.

“Just so you know, your husband was fucking me up until the night he disappeared. Did he tell you that?”

I stiffened. No, he did not.

“I’m so glad you’re here, boss. Let’s go get our Sunny’s killer.” She blew past, slamming into Sunny’s office, though I took her name off the list of invitees.

Almost, I corrected. I earned almost everyone’s respect. Athena was going to be a problem.

“Are you okay?” Sienna whispered.

“Fine.” My mouth was aching. I already felt my lips swelling. “I’ll throw up later.”

“Nicely done.” Bane stroked the back of my hand. “Sunny was right about you. You’re one of a kind.”

“And you were even less of a help than I knew you’d be. They were talking mutiny, and you just hung out in the back.”

“Had to. Once you got going, I couldn’t let them see my semi.”

“Again, Bane, wow.”

“You’re almost there, Kenzie. Get them talking about the night Sunny was thrown and all that led up to it. If Bald Man’s accomplice is in that room, eventually he or she will slip up.”

Bane trailed us to the office door. “I’m heading out,” he called inside. “You all play nice. Especially you—Athena, Makai, Ryker.” Bane’s voice changed. “If anything happens to them, I’ll start with the three of you first.”

That was not in the script. Actually, I was pretty sure saying something like that went against Bane’s code—never reveal you care. Don’t expose a weakness.

But everyone heard it as my blasted cheeks heated. Bane cared, and he’d kill anyone that hurt me.

He shut the door and I recovered quickly, putting my bitch-boss mask back on. Sunny’s office—my office—claimed a few of the arcade games. They lined the walls, a mishmash of color clashing against the blue, red, and orange carpet. In the middle of the room sat his desk and the leather, high-backed chair, I reclined in it under the watchful eyes of the wary leaders of his crew.

Sunny ran a full-scale criminal enterprise. Eight different rackets within one gang, under one boss, and that boss was me. For as long as Sunny was away, I wasn’t just playing at being the boss, he expected me to run the gang for real.

“You don’t know the kind of sweet, green cash my crew brings in daily, but you’ll find out. If the traitor is one of my guys and he takes over, he’ll have more than enough to launch a full attack on every Merchant. Law-abiding soccer moms would turn hit woman for the cash reward he could put on Liam, Genny, Bane, and my parents’ heads. You’re running the show now, Yummy Mummy.” That knee-weakening grin flashed in my mind. “No pressure.”