“You can thank yourself,” I said. “Next time, say webs. Hundreds and hundreds of webs.”

“There won’t be a next time with anyone else. You’re the only person I’ve shown that to.”

“Really?” I looked at him in surprise. “Why?”

He smiled. “Not many people visit me. Those that do, I didn’t think they’d appreciate it—webs, mirrors, and rain. But you...” Bane grasped my chin between two fingers. “I’m glad it made you laugh, if only for a little while. You were born to laugh, Mackenzie. It’s the sweetest sound man could never replicate. It almost made me believe I could make a different choice.”

Ducking down, I buried my face in his neck. Bane was right, this was a problem.

I liked him too.

Chapter Seven

The next morning, Bane packed an obscene number of weapons—and only weapons—loaded them into a cart, and pulled it behind on our trek out of the woods. Thatcher waited for us at the mile marker with his Jeep and two guards. Sienna ran up and hugged him. When she found time to become best friends with the head of security, I had no idea.

“Here’s the deal,” Bane said. He reclined against the car door—and therefore was unaware of how many times I stole glances at him.

Real great, Blaine. Develop a crush on a hermit who’s sworn off relationships. On top of the crush on a single dad who believes you’re too young for him. On top of the sweet, devilish, sexy guy who’ll lose interest fast when he finds out you’re fantasizing about all of his brothers.

Guilt sobered me. Even if I got to a place I felt comfortable dating, what would it be like dating Sunny and being around his brothers all the time? The night before while I slept in Bane’s bed, breathing in his woody autumn smell, I had a wild thought about Sunny’s mother and her men. Bane, Liam, and Sole knew a poly relationship could work, they’d be more understanding of the idea than most men.

A wild thought, immediately killed by Bane’s confession. He had to share his mother and fathers which drove a need to bond exclusively with his biological dad. If he ever gave up his vow of singleness, why would he do it for a love he’d have to share too? Why would Sole or Liam for that matter? I didn’t have a reason to believe they wanted that kind of relationship either.

So choose. Choose the man who chooses you.

Sienna roused me. “Kenzie, are you listening?”

“What? Sorry, no. I missed it.”

“I said,” Bane repeated. “We’re stopping by the compound first. Change, eat, conceal all the weapons you like on your body. Then, we’re heading out.”

“Alright. I’m ready.”

“Remember what I told you,” he said. “You too, Sienna. First thought, first impulse. Don’t hesitate, take shit, or break eye contact first.”

I repeated his instructions to myself during the ride, the trip up the elevator to Sunny’s suite, and while I changed out of Bane’s borrowed clothes into my new persona. When Sienna and I came out, a man stood before Sunny’s front door. I almost didn’t recognize him.

Gone was Bane’s oil-stained jeans and inked chest. Polished loafers hid the castles on his feet and a suit dipped in midnight clung to his body. He opted to leave the tie on the rack. Bane’s dark-blue shirt buttoned partway, giving a glimpse to those who could look but not touch.

I’m the only one who can’t touch. Bane’s fair game to the women he has no feelings for.

Bane accepted a gun from Liam, sliding it in his back pocket. Sunny tossed him a knife and it landed on his palm, flipped nimbly through his fingers, and disappeared in the sheath concealed under his jacket. I was the designer—had the degree to prove it. But I could lock myself in a room for a week sketching, and never come up with a look for Bane as scorching as the one before me.

Sole and Liam fell in beside him, the three of them going over last-minute details. Differing heights, builds, looks, and personalities, but each had managed to do it while I wasn’t looking—fill me with their poison.

Right then, I knew why I was risking myself... and it wasn’t for money.

“Angel, you cool?”

“Fine.” It came out more as a croak but was the best I could do. “Let’s go.”

“Like the attitude,” Bane said, holding open the door. “After you.”

I hesitated, flicking between Sunny and Liam. Now seemed like the time for them to say something reassuring.

Sunny kissed my cheek. “You’ve got this. Remember what we talked about.”

Liam said nothing—simply pressed a kiss to my knuckles, shook Sienna’s hand, and watched us walk on. Bane led us down into the parking garage. A red Range Rover sat in the back, beeping its welcome.

“Sir,” said one of the guards. “Let us escort you.”