“The sooner we can cross our gangs off the lists, the sooner we can move on to the real leak.” Sunny glanced over his shoulder. “Even if it’s closer to home.”

I followed his gaze. “Is it possible one of your staff or guards is behind this?”

“Possible,” he admitted, “but not likely. Most of our staff have been around since Mom and Dads were in charge. They’re well-paid, given free room and board, and they know if there’s trouble, they can come to us. One of my staff had a daughter who got deep into gambling—ended up sixty thousand dollars in debt to dangerous people. I paid off her bill and got her into a program, no questions asked. I mean, they wouldn’t be skipping through my fucking house if I didn’t trust them.”

“I’m sure you do, and I’m sure no one here wants to hurt you. But the one thing that can break loyalty is fear. What if this guy threatened their family if they didn’t give up yours?”

“That is also... possible.” Sunny’s handsome features twisted like he was in physical pain. This was killing him worse than that fall ever could. “I’m too close to this, Angel. Too close to these people. I can’t be objective. All I know now is that my enemy has graduated to killing, I can’t afford to sit around while he picks which one of my family to take out next. My next step is firing everyone in the building and questioning each one of my guys—the hard way.”

“That’s your next step if I say no,” I clarified. “It’s not fair to put this kind of pressure on me. I can’t do it, Sunny. There has to be someone else.”

Shifting back, he observed me. “You say you can’t because Sienna needs you.”

I nodded.

“Then, let me ask you this. Before I crashed into your life, how was that going? Was Sienna safe? Was she fed, happy, and looking at a bright future? Were you a day or two away from the turn of fortune that would’ve gotten you off the streets?”

Stiffening, I forced through my teeth, “Careful.”

“I’m not trying to piss you off, Angel,” he said, expressionless. “I’m floating you a thought experiment. You never meet me and continue holding to your rule to never get caught up with the dirty side of Cinco. Meanwhile, Digger’s got his guys looking for you day and night. Your home is a tent under a bridge. And you don’t have enough money to replace your taped-up rags, let alone buy a pantsuit for a job interview. How long before the story you were writing ended up in tragedy?

“Or, you stay here. Take the calculated risk of linking up with my Sons of Saint and then walk away with enough money to give yourself and Sienna the life you deserve. Each option could end badly, I won’t lie,” he said. “But only one promises you food, a home, protection, and seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This is your hand up, Kenzie.”

He held it out as proof. “It might be stained with blood, but it’s attached to someone who owes you everything, and believes in angels.”

“Sunny, I—”

“Just think about it,” he said gently. “Give me your decision after dinner.”

I didn’t have to.

“Listen, I want to help you but—”

“Miss Blaine.” Fuller stepped out onto the balcony. “Mr. Hunt is on his way down. He asks if you’re ready, and I see you’re not. Come with me. I’ll fix your makeup.”

Once again, she wasn’t asking. I let her lead me away. My answer would be the same after dinner as it was before. It didn’t make a difference when I gave Sunny the news. All I knew was I would leave the Fairfield that night. I had to return to North Quay.

Sunny and Sienna were leaning against the kitchen counter, chatting when I came back. I hurried over in case he was slinging his offer to her.

“—a light, almost neon-blue aura.”

“Hmm. Interesting. What does that mean?”

“It means you’re trouble, Sole Bellisario.”

Sunny beamed at me like she said he was chosen for number one of the sexiest men on earth. “Your sister’s the real deal.”

“This I know,” I replied. “I’m assuming you’re not coming to dinner with us.”

“You assume correctly.”

“Is leaving me at the mercy of Senor Paranoid Pants supposed to seal the deal? ’Cause I tell you right now, that man is not a closer.”

He chuckled. “Paranoid Pants. I’ve got to use that. But no, Liam isn’t the closer. That would be the lady riding up with him. My girl will take over convincing you.”

“Your girl?” Sienna and I said at the same time.

“Oh, yeah. Can’t wait for you to meet her.” A sweet, shockingly tender smile chased away his natural devil-may-care grin. “She’s beautiful, funny, smart. Love of my life.”

A thick, sludgy feeling settled in my skin. Why are you surprised? Rich, handsome, flirty men who surround themselves with “beauty” don’t stay single for long.