“Boo-fucking-hoo,” I said to him, but fixed on Laurel. My only thought was to get her out of here and away from this beast. “Don’t hold your breath waiting for me to cry for you, rapist pimp.”

He slapped me across the face. “That was always your problem. Even when we were dating, you never knew when to shut up.”

I spat on his cheek. It earned me another slap, leaving my face, head, and all of me aching.

Luca snapped his fingers and one of his guys gave him a cloth. Wiping his face, he continued, “Times like these I wonder why I fought for your life. Despite everything, I still believe you’re going to make me a lot of money. Young, pretty, clean. You’re prime stock, baby. I’ll get years out of you, but not here.” He got to his feet, dusting off his knees. “Even after the Savage Princes and that blonde harpy are dead, it’ll take a while to dismantle their organization. Their manhunt is closing in, so we’re leaving. Moving to Europe and starting over there.”

“We?” I repeated. Dread climbed my spine.

“You’re coming with me, of course. We fly out tonight. You’re my reward for the pain and money you’ve cost me.” Blood leached from my body with every word. “In exchange, Coates is going to put the battery back in his phone and turn it on. His bosses, the Savage Princes, will think they’re so clever tracking his GPS to this place. But they won’t find him or you. They’ll find a dozen armed men who’ll make damn sure they don’t get away with it this time.”

“Why?” My whisper was so strangled, I barely heard it. “Why are you doing this? You’re insane, Luca. Why can’t you just fuck off out of our lives?”

He blinked lazily. “I’m far from insane. I’m simply a businessman. I invested a lot in you, and I intend to see that investment pay out. As a bonus, he promised me I’ll be the one to put a gun in Sunny’s mouth and blow his brains over the room. This is a great day,” he said, grinning. “If only you weren’t so selfish, you’d be happy for me.”

“You won’t win.”

Luca paused, turning away.

“My guys are going to find and tear you apart. You’ll be nothing but a bloody urine stain on the carpet after they free me, and I finish you. This will be the worst day of your life.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. Empty threats won’t work. I’ve already won.”

Snapping his fingers, his men tossed him a bag which Luca threw to Coates. “There’s your money, and you don’t get extra for bringing me that.” Luca gestured at Laurel. “What is wrong with you? What am I supposed to do with a kid?”

“What was I supposed to do?” Coates snapped. “I couldn’t leave it there.”

“You can’t leave it here either. Get rid of it!”

“No! Laurel!” A hand slapped over my mouth, stuffing the gun rag inside. Screams muffled, I thrashed in their hold, kicking and flailing at Coates as he picked up my daughter, resigned. Laurel’s face crumpled. Her cries ripped my heart in two.

“Where do I take her? I’ve got to get out of town.”

“What the hell do I care?” Luca said. “Go. And leave your phone here.”

Cursing, Coates flung the phone on the couch and stormed off.

I screamed—face soaked and fighting harder than ever. His thugs’ nails scored my skin holding me down.

“Wait,” Luca called. “I’ve got a better idea. Freya, you’ve been begging me for one of these. You take her.”

The woman dubbed Freya wiped the coke off her nose. “Really, baby?”

“Yeah, she’s yours. Name her whatever you want.”

“Ah, thank you.” She ran and kissed him. “Now we’re a family.”

Freya held her hands out for my daughter—almost falling over at the weight of her. The woman was high as clouds and barely keeping herself up. Laurel cried in earnest. Wailing, she reached for me.

Freya twisted so Laurel couldn’t see me. “I’m your momma now.”

“Fucking loud,” Luca snapped. “Freya, get her out of here. Take her to the house and wait for me. I’ll be there as soon as I finish up.”

“Okay.” Freya walked out with my daughter without sparing me so much as a glance. Laurel’s sobs faded down the hall.

“Hmmh!” I shouted and thrashed. Breaking free, I made it all of a step. The brutes tackled me to the floor.

“Don, Louie, take this one to the factory and get her ready to ship with the other girls. If she puts up a fight, beat her but don’t mess up her face.”

“Yes, boss.”

I fought. I kicked, headbutted, elbowed, and thrashed in their grip. The two men were dark-haired, tatted, and their eyes held only emptiness. Their expressions didn’t move from blank as Don popped the trunk of a dirty sedan and Louie turned me to face him. Don’s punch snapped my head around. Louie let me tumble into the trunk, enclosing me in darkness.