River’s expression changed, and my muscles tensed—trained to react whenever I saw that smile.

“Nicely done, Sole. I admit, I figured you’d find out what they’re really worth and find a way to screw me and make a few million in the process. Normally, this latest betrayal would stir the bad blood between us, but since we’ve recently forged a new working relationship, it’s time we put the past behind us.”

“We don’t have a working relationship.”

“Oooh,” he hissed. “Did Makai and Athena forget to mention it to you?”

Alarm bells rang in my head, chasing away my smugness. “What did you do?”

“What did you do, Sunny? You played dead and sent Mackenzie, a stranger, here to tell your people what to do while your organization was falling apart. They were trying to help, if that’s any consolation.

“What did you do?” I barked.

“I agreed to let the Sons of Saint buy stash houses and set new routes through Rockchapel. My people will make sure you’re not ambushed. Plus, I’ve long since worked out an arrangement with a few buddies on the force. If a tip comes in about a raid, they’ll let me know first—giving you time to clear out.”

“Kenzie said she walked in on your meeting. You didn’t get a chance to arrange anything.”

“Kenzie walked in on the final meeting—seconds after we shook hands on a deal made.” He pulled a face. “Now that we’re talking about her, don’t mention that I lied. If I told her the truth, she would’ve told you, and I’d have missed this look on your face.”

I had no doubt the fury etched in my sneer was a sight to behold. “They gave you the Cromwell bracelet.”

He patted his jacket pocket, showing me the priceless antique prize as proof. I stole it over a year ago, and saved it for that day I was ready to ask a favor of one of the wealthiest men in Leighbridge.

“That they did, dear nephew. A bracelet that, we both know, is worth a lot more than ten million—especially to the right person. Gatlin was so happy to get it back, he handed over control of four of his soup kitchen-slash-shelters. Three of them in...” He snapped his fingers, grinning like a loon mimicking me. “Come on, we’re doing a bit.”

“Leighbridge,” I forced through clenched teeth.

“Ding, ding, ding! What do I win, folks? I win shelter for my people in the one borough we couldn’t penetrate. I win more territory than even the Merchants. Tell Liam it’s his lucky day. I’m going to spend a lot more time with my oldest nephew.” River made for the door, unwisely turning his back on me. “Sell the diamonds to Barrett, Sole, give me the seven mill and pocket the difference. My side deal for the diamonds was a backup plan to hedge my bets. Good thing Makai is more trustworthy than you.”

I shot off my chair, rushing him. River twisted—arm up and knife to my throat as mine pressed to his liver.

“You lost fair and square, Sole. Let it go because I’d prefer not to be cut up for my date with Kenzie on Friday.”

“Liam will drive you out. I don’t care what favors you traded. You won’t take Leighbridge.”

“Another mystery in this never-ending dance between me and the Merchants: which one of us is right?” River pointedly dropped his knife, giving his back. He knew I wouldn’t do it—kill him. I had committed many sins and would commit many more, but I couldn’t kill my mother’s brother.

“I do have a confession,” River said, pausing at the door. “It does feel pretty good knowing I’ve built an empire bigger than the Merchants and, one day, I’ll crush yours under the tattered shoes of people everyone wrote off.

“You may be right about our blood. Redgraves don’t settle for less than greatness.”

He slammed the door on my roar, ducking out as my blade buried in the wood where his head had been. Pain rippled up my spasming back as the price.

“Makai! Athena!”


My sewing machine hummed a steady melody in my ear, calming my racing mind. I heard talking and laughter on the other side of the door and made no move to join. I promised Bane a jacket in whatever style I chose. I should keep that promise, before I left.

A tear splashed on the thread, racing away from my scissors. Bullets splintering glass rang in my ears.

“—too cute,” I heard Shonda say.

I couldn’t stay here. In one night, I almost lost my sister, Sunny, Bane, and Liam. I was nearly killed by a monster. Laurel waited months to get her family back, and because I got tangled up in this fight, we almost left her alone.

I wanted to be with Sunny more than anything. I wanted to break down Liam’s walls, and make Bane believe that love was more powerful than vows. But what about what I wanted for Laurel? She deserved a safe home that she trusted her mother would return to every day, and it was my job to provide it for her.