“The Merchants stole them back because they weren’t about to give an enemy the keys to an empire. Why would they agree to this?”

“A handful of diamonds is a small price to pay to end this threat. If Grant is behind Sunny and Liam’s attack, he’s gotten closer to taking them out than anyone ever has. They’re worried... or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“Okay. I’ll tell Sunny. Let him decide.” I eyed him. “But if he says no, would you really do nothing? He could be the bomber who almost killed me.”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t find this guy. If he tried to hurt you, there’s nowhere in any borough he can hide from me.” His tone plummeted the temperature. “Without those diamonds, I won’t find him for Sunny, but I will find him.”

He kissed my cheek. “Either way, I’ll take care of it. Sunny’s answer decides if he gets a crack at him. Don’t block the next unknown caller that rings your phone. If I find this guy, it’s a waste of time you coming all the way out here, and I’m not setting foot in the Fairfield. I’ll get my hands on a phone today. What’s your number?”

I rattled off the number, secretly surprised that he’d do this for me—diamonds or no.

Sienna wasn’t. “Right. Just like it’ll be a surprise when he finally flips you off your feet and drops his pants. It just happened, Sienna,” she mocked. “I wasn’t expecting it. Oh no, what if he doesn’t call me?”

“You’re a mean person, you know that?”

She cracked up. The top of the street loomed ahead. After enjoying lunch and catching up with our old friends, it was time to go home. As soon as I got back, I was feeding Laurel and holding my baby as she napped. Sunny usually came in around that time to massage my shoulders and recite proof of his degree. Though he was back at work, he returned home in time to continue our routine. I wouldn’t miss it.

“Believe it or not, I’m not this bashful, clueless girl who pretends she doesn’t know when a man is interested in her,” I said. “I keep denying anything will happen between me and River because it can’t, Si. Not like this. Not when I still don’t know who he is. It’s hard enough making a relationship work when both parties are honest.” Bane flashed through my mind, leaving the pain behind. “I won’t make a go of it when I know he’s lying.”

“What’s left to know?” Sienna linked our arms. “You know he’s a kingpin with a generous streak who gives the Merchants a run for their money.”

“It’s just a feeling but... there’s more to the story. Sunny speaks about River with more anger than the guy who tried to kill him.”

Sienna spun on me. “You don’t think that River is the one behind this?”

“No,” I said automatically. “I don’t know everything about him, but I know that.”

“He asked you to give him Sunny when he found out that’s who he got the doctor for. Ryker said River sabotages and hits their shipments all the time.”

“By now, Sunny would’ve considered him. He wouldn’t let me ask River for help if he thought the man was trying to kill his family.”

“River doesn’t want them dead, but he doesn’t want them in business either. What happened between his mom and theirs to stir such specific hatred?”

“That’s a question I’m starting to think I’ll never get an answer to.”

We flagged down a ride and hitched it to the Fairfield. Up in the apartment, Laurel was changed, tired, and ready for her boob and nap. Sunny rubbed my shoulders while I fed her.

“River said he’d do it for the diamonds.”

His hands paused for a second. “Hmm. These diamonds are popular. I don’t know where they came from or how Hansen pocketed them. I’m starting to think I’m the only one.”

“What are you saying? Vito and River know where the diamonds really came from and somehow that’s important?”

“It’s the same thing again, Angel. Vito could’ve asked you to prove you hate the Merchants by murdering us in our beds, but instead, he asked for the diamonds. River could’ve exploited me for a lot more and stretched the pain out longer, but again, he asks for the diamonds. There has to be a reason.”

“Seven million dollars isn’t reason enough?”

“Let me put it this way. If you kidnapped an heiress and held her for ransom, would you demand a hundred bucks from her millionaire father, or drain the guy of every dollar you know he’s got? When you have leverage, you use it. Vito and River had leverage, but they basically asked for the equivalent of a C-note.”

When Sunny put it like that, it was hard to argue with him. I’ve gone over his books myself and accounted for the money he makes in a week. I’ve been inside the vault of stashed treasures, just sitting there collecting dust. If you can afford to let seven million in diamonds sit on a shelf waiting for its owner, you can afford to pay out much more to a clever rival who knows when he has you over a barrel.