“To put it nicely.”

“Huh. Then, you don’t need my version of events. That pretty much sums it up.”

“Men,” I muttered, pulling a laugh out of him.

“What have I done to let down my sex now?”

“Forever with these pissing contests. I hope you can set the war aside for a few days. I came because we need help.”

“We. You’re a ‘we’ with the Merchants now.”

“I’m definitely a ‘we’ with Sunny. I’d like to ‘we’ with Liam, and Genny has this powerful ability to make everyone want to ‘we’ her. River, they helped me get Laurel back, and gave us a home. I owe them more than I can repay.”

“I’m glad they were there for you. Truly, I am. It’s taken decades, but they’ve finally put a point in their column—by making you happy.” Golden, smoldering pools enveloped me, carrying me down, down, down. My knees shook as River brushed his lips over mine. “So ask me now,” he whispered, “while I might say yes.”

Right, obviously. I’m here to ask for River’s help, not make out with Sunny’s rival. He said he would share me, but I wonder if River makes the list.

My senses returned. “We think we’re close to finding the person who attacked Sunny. Looks like he disappeared into Rockchapel, and I’m told that’s your turf. We need you to track this guy down. If it’s him, we can end this threat against the Merchants once and for all.”

“And why would I concern myself with their threats? What’s in it for me?”

“Why?” I grasped his jaw, making sure he saw my expression. “Because if you know everything, then you also know someone paid off a valet to put a bomb in Liam’s car. His six-year-old daughter and I were seconds away from hopping inside when it blew. I can still feel the heat on my face, River. Hear her screaming. Do you want to see the marks her nails made on my neck—?”

“Kenzie, stop.” River put my hand down, stopping me from pulling away my collar. “No, I didn’t know about that. I’m guessing it happened in Leighbridge. Word from that borough doesn’t reach me. If it did”—River’s tone dropped dangerously—“I’d have found the fucker myself. Who is this guy? Where in Rockchapel could he be?”

“His name is Lochlan Grant.” I told him the information I got from Vito, Ryker, and Sunny. “They don’t know where he could be, but he’s a loan shark. People have to know about him to do business. If you ask around, he has to turn up.”

“I’ll find him.”

“What do you want in exchange?”

“Oooh.” River shuddered in mock ecstasy. “My favorite question. Say it again.”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “What would you like in exchange, O Granter of Favors?”

“See, now that’s a good title. Loving it better than Rat King.”

“Can’t believe I ran with you for months and didn’t hear the title. It’s hard not to feel duped, River.”

“You weren’t tricked. Outsiders call me the Rat King. They say I’m a gang leader because a Black man with dreads looking after any group of people has to be a banger. I don’t see us that way.” He jerked his chin at the warehouse. “My people don’t see us that way. We’re a family. The only family we’ve got after ours died, abandoned, or lost us. All I’ve ever tried to do is look after people no one gives a damn about. Yes, sometimes we break the rules to survive, but that’s what it is, Kenzie—survival. I’ve never stolen or tricked just because I can, or because it’s easy. I wonder if your Merchant friends can say the same.”

“Maybe they can’t.” The confession forced out of me. “But is it nobility that makes you snatch jobs out from under Sunny or hit his shipments? Kinda seems like you do that because you can.”

River smirked. “Touché. But I wouldn’t count my war with the Merchants. Stealing from thieves doesn’t rate too high on the mortal-sins list. Why should I feel bad for taking from them and giving to my people?”

“You’re a regular old Robin Hood.”

“What I am was born out of necessity. The world needs men like me, as Sunny just found out. So, you mentioned price.” I didn’t like the look on his face. “I’ll find Lochlan Grant. Where he lives, where he shops, what time he goes to the bathroom and if it’s number one or two. In exchange, I get the diamonds.”

“What?” I pulled away “How—?”

“Assume I know everything, Kenzie. It’s easier that way. Ira Hansen is part of the reason my family has grown. He’s a slum lord, did you know?”

I nodded.

“His apartments were a step below unlivable, but that didn’t stop him jacking up the rent and tossing people out when they couldn’t pay. I was planning to bust him—days away in fact. But Athena and her girls got him first. I applaud them for paying back the tenants, but that didn’t help the people Hansen already evicted,” River said, gesturing to the run-down, shabby home for dozens of people. “Those diamonds would go a long way toward getting those people their lives back. One of my guys heard Vito bragging about them a few nights ago. Next thing we hear, Vito’s raging about a double-cross and the diamonds are back with the Sons of Saint. I know Sunny has them. I get the diamonds or no deal.”