I thought of Lyla, Damien, Luca, Charlie, Courtney, Talia. “This world isn’t for the meek. It never was.”

He nodded firmly. “I’ve got a right to hate the Merchants. Before we do this”—a faint click sounded under the table—“convince me you do too. ’Cause right now you dropping out of nowhere to throw a bunch of money on my lap isn’t smelling right.”

I blinked lazily. “If you wanted to test me, couldn’t you have done that last night? I’ve got what you asked for. I’m here to make a deal.”

The muzzle bit into my knee. “Answer the question.”

Think of something, Kenzie. Give him a version of the truth.

“You looked into me, so you know I left Caddell House under a cloud.”

“Yeah, and?”

“I was set up,” I replied. “Framed. I was bullied for months, but kept my head down and did good work. What did it get me? Thrown out on my ass and burned in the fashion world. No one would hire me, and I was forced to move out of my apartment, into a shithole.”

The gun fell off my leg. “What happened?”

“I got involved with a guy. He was the ‘even worse’ that I mentioned. Long story short: he forced me into prostitution.”


“Rape, Bernardi. When I refused, he locked me in a room and sent enough guys in that I eventually said yes.”

“Wow. That’s messed up.”

I inclined my head. “I got away from him—got free. Then I found out that Sunny Bellisario paid Adams a visit before he ever got his hands on me. Sunny knew what he was doing, and instead of shutting him down, he gave Adams a slap on the wrist and sent him on his way. Sunny ain’t responsible for all the shit that happened to me, but he’s responsible for enough.

“The Merchants appointed themselves judge, jury, and executioner of the underground. No one fucking asked them to, but Sole made it his job to protect the women of North Quay from men like Adams. If he won’t do the job right, he and his whole damn family can go.”

He bobbed his head hard. “That’s what I’m saying, thank you. So marrying Sunny and taking over the gang was a long con?”

“Started out that way, then things got blurry. What can I say? I’ve never had the best taste in men. But whatever feelings I started to have for him didn’t matter. I was taking him and the Merchants down either way.”

“Did you kill him?”

“No, that wasn’t me. Don’t have a clue who did it, but Sunny had enemies. Becoming a young widow wasn’t a surprise, and with him out of the way, taking out the rest of them gets a whole lot easier. So, are we doing this or what?”

“We’re doing it,” he said. “Show me the diamonds.”

“Uh-uh. The gun. Hand it to me under the table.”

Vito scoffed. “You’ve got the diamonds. I could’ve shot you and taken them at any time.”

“That’s exactly why I don’t have all the diamonds,” I said to his falling face. “They’re waiting nearby to be brought in at my signal. After you’ve given me the name and it checks out. Oh— and after your boys at the bar find another place to be tonight, then the diamonds are yours.”

“How do I know the diamonds are nearby? For all I fucking know, you’ll take the name and run.”

“Why would I do that, Vito? I want to work with you. That’s a lot easier when everyone trusts each other. You make the first move.”

He flicked from me, to his friends, to the door, and back to me. There was a soft thud as the gun landed next to me.

“Now my turn.” I fished the pouch out of my pocket and slid it across the table. “Five out of the twenty. You get the rest after I get the name.”

Vito snatched it up. Caring little for secrecy, he dumped them on his palm, squinting at them. Wasn’t sure what he saw, but he nodded at me and tucked them in his jacket.

“It’s Grant. Lochlan Grant. He’s a loan shark based in North Quay.”

“Why is a loan shark blowing up warehouses?”

“Because he moved in on Harlow. Grant had to start up a side business because Sunny’s seventy percent cut doesn’t leave much for the essentials. He had a few people in Harlow who owed him, and when one woman didn’t pay up, his boys taught her a lesson. Grant had no idea she was a Cardinal.

“FGH beat his ass in the street, in front of his wife and daughter. The man spat his teeth on the sidewalk.”

“Then he hit the warehouse and didn’t take credit for it? Why?”

Smiling, Vito tapped his nose. “Long game, baby. Hunt is always in that bar surrounded by fifty insane bitches packing .45s. Going at her headfirst won’t work, so he hit her where it hurts.”