He grinned—so wide and genuine it pinched the air from my lungs. “Perfect. We’ll be here.”

Tricky came with me, giggling and exclaiming about all the fun we would have. I listened in a daze.

I’ll bet anything he does know his power over me. He got a yes out of me so easily, I don’t know how it happened and I was there.

Sunny was cool about postponing our honey and cream date. “Either way, you’ll be in my bed tonight.” He kissed me hard, curling my toes in my boots. “Have fun.”

“I will,” I purred, “and I will.”

Downstairs, we packed into another Rolls-Royce and set off. Sunshine Water Park was a fixture of the Leighbridge community—which meant it wasn’t a rinky-dink floating Band-Aid parade. My eyes widened taking it all in.

Families in designer swimsuits crossed our paths with nannies trailing behind, carrying the towels, food, and kids. A glance at the map sketched out raft rides, wave pools, a lazy river, three kid play areas, and a splash pool. All over there were places to stretch out on lawn chairs and soak in the sun.

Liam led the way to the Pelican Café where the playgroup kids and parents were waiting. Strike that—the playgroup moms were waiting. Four beautiful swimsuit models waved and called us over—each lifting their bikini-clad boobs a little higher as Liam approached.

Their kids, three little girls and one boy, ran up and hugged Tricky. Looked to me Liam was doing a great job getting her out and socializing with kids her age even with homeschooling.

“Afternoon, ladies.” The incorrigible man pecked kisses on each of their giggling cheeks. “Thank you for inviting us.”

“No, thank you for coming,” said one of the moms. “Who’s your friend?”

Liam grasped the small of my back, searing his touch on my skin. “This is Mackenzie and her daughter, Laurel. Mackenzie, this is Brooke, Zuri, Noelle, and Molly.”

“Oh my goodness,” Molly cooed. “Look at this little doll. Mackenzie, she’s adorable.”

“And she’s your first, isn’t she?” Brooke asked.

“Yes, she is.”

“I can tell. You still have that new-mom panic in your eyes.”

“I do?” I laughed. “Probably because Laurel cried the entire car ride here.”

“Next time, bring along a sound machine or drive with the windows down. My Bronson loved listening to the sounds of the city—calmed him right down.”

“Great tip, thank you.”

Zuri squeezed Liam’s arm. “Would you be a dear and take the kids to the fun zone? We’ll get the snacks and meet you there. And it’ll give us a chance to get to know our newest members.”

“No problem.” The eager five grabbed his hands, shouting off everything they wanted to do as they carried him away.

I thought at first they sent him away to size me up, but Brooke, Zuri, Noelle, and Molly turned out to be sweet, kind wells of information. They gave me tips for Laurel and insight into what I had to look forward to. Laurel was her happy self, pointing and waving at the new sights.

“Are you doing homeschool or traditional preschool?” asked Noelle.

We strode around the park—the four of them gorgeous strutting Amazons and me in a floppy hat with sunblock smeared on my nose. They did nothing but tell me how great I looked post-baby, but I admit I felt like a short, awkward waif next to them.

“I’m leaning toward preschool,” I said, “for the socializing.”

“Goddard School, Greenacres, and Newbridge are the best in the city,” Zuri said. “My kids went to Newbridge. Get Laurel’s name on the list now. If they give you any trouble, tell Donna I recommended you.”

I thanked her. “Hey, should we meet up with Liam now? He has his hands full with five kids.”

Brooke flapped a hand. “Liam’s wonderful. Honestly, I wish my husband was half as involved as he is, or even a fraction as helpful. The playgroup was his idea, and he’s been a godsend offering to pick up all the kids from school so they can play, or taking them out for lunch and letting us ladies have a spa day. I’m telling you, if I wasn’t already married...”

She didn’t have to fill in the blanks. The other women were nodding along with her.

I wonder if they’d be as eager to leave their husbands if they knew he was a part of a criminal syndicate and he personally oversaw the organized crime of Leighbridge.

Since he looks that damn good and is amazing with kids on top of it, another voice said, I’m pretty sure none of that will slow them down while they’re signing the divorce papers.

Despite Liam’s willingness to wrangle the kids on their own, we made our way to the kiddie fun zone. Liam chased Lizzie and the kids around a fake shipwreck, popping out behind things and roaring. The kids “fought the kraken,” shooting him with water guns. A fun game, but not a Laurel game.