A thousand replies shot to my mind—all going unvoiced as River bowed and kissed my hand. “That’s my cue. Goodbye, Kenzie. I’ll pick you up here at seven next Friday night.”

River swept out of the room. Sense returned to me and I hopped off the desk, hurrying to catch him and demand an explanation.

Ryker’s arm shot out, stopping me in my tracks. “One minute, boss. There’s something I have to tell you. It’s important. Life or death.”

Torn, I watched River get farther away, fighting with myself. You’re going out with him next week. I’ll get all the answers I’m looking for then. River won’t get away without giving me an explanation.

“Okay,” I said. “What is it?”

“Athena, give us the room.” Ryker waited, then faced me full on. “What I have to tell you is this: I don’t trust you. You’re lying through your ass and have been since the second you walked in here.”


“I will find out why you want Sunny’s crew and what you did to him,” he whispered, nose bumping mine. Icy blue pools surged up, sweeping me under and drowning me in the depths. “When I do, I’ll blow your brains out.” He stepped back, the first smile I’d seen on him stretching his lips. “Just wanted to make that clear, boss.

“Oh, and we’ve got another shipment of counterfeits going out this afternoon. You need to approve the crew and alternative routes.”

“Thank you, Ryker,” I said lightly. “I’ll be right there.”

He saluted me. Heading out, our eyes didn’t break till the door shut.

SUNNY’S LAUGHTER BOOMED in my ear. “Ryker said that? Ha ha, that’s my boy right there, baby. Watching my back even when I’m dead.”

“I’m glad you’re thrilled the bonds of brotherhood are holding up,” I deadpanned, “but where does that leave me? I am lying to him. What happens when he figures it out?”

Sienna, our guards, and I neared the compound. The conversation could’ve waited till I was home, but his best friend’s plan to assassinate me was pressing news.

“He won’t. If he distrusts you that much, he’ll be too busy checking and re-checking every decision you make in regards to the Saints. Going over the books every night. Running requests through him first. You don’t have anything to worry about there since you’re not working to sabotage the crew. That’s what he’ll figure out, and then he’ll ease up.”

I relaxed. “You’re right. Once he sees I’m not a threat to what he cares about, he’ll stop resting his hand on his gun when I walk into a room.”

“You almost home? I’ve got bottles of honey and whipped cream with your name on it.”

Desire heated my arousal, making me cross my legs. “Be there in ten minutes. I just have to stop by Liam’s first.”

Inside the Fairfield, I rode the elevator up to Liam’s floor and buzzed to be let in. Tricky answered and opened the doors with the code she somehow got her hands on. She ran into the hall to meet me, decked out in a pink, yellow, and purple unicorn bathing suit. I picked her up and spun her.

“Look at you. I love your suit.”

“Thank you. Are you coming with us?” She clapped, bouncing in my hold. “And Laurel too?”

“Where are you going?”

I entered their apartment as Liam came into the living room. My mouth went dry.

His bare, sculpted chest was first to drag my attention, revealing Japanese characters tattooed along the V leading down into his swim trunks. He bent to put the cooler on the floor beside the kitchen table, and the shorts inched down, showing his—

I flicked away, fixing on a photo of him and Elizabeth in London. That was the man I needed to see—a loving father who’s not interested in me. Anything else is torture.


“Hey, Mackenzie.” He tossed Tricky a knowing look. “Your visits are always a reminder to change the code.”

“I came because—”

“What are you doing right now? You busy?”

“I, uh, no, I’m not busy. My next stop was downstairs to spend time with Sunny and snuggle Laurel.”

“Bring her along.” Liam picked his swim shirt off the couch, tugging it on to cries from the heavens. “I’m taking Elizabeth to Sunshine Water Park. Some other kids from her playgroup are going too. She’s been cooped up too long, and you have too,” he said. “Your days shouldn’t all be about finding him.”

“That does sound like fun,” I said, smiling at Tricky. “But I don’t know if Laurel’s ready for a water park.”

“They have an area for small children. Afterward, we’re eating out at McDoodle’s.” Liam grasped my waist—apparently unaware of his lethal power over women because my heart raced dangerously. “Come on,” he said, giving me a little shake. “You two have been apart for so long. Start making some happy memories with her.”

“All right.” The words were out of my mouth before sense could stop me. “Give me twenty minutes to get us dressed and pack her things.”