I opened my mouth. “We are—”

“Not you.” Makai’s muzzle dug into my temple. “Delaney was clearly surprised to see you here, which means you haven’t fed him the bullshit yet. I want to hear from him first. Let’s see what he comes up with.”

I gritted my teeth. Sunny had Makai pegged. He was a hothead, but he wasn’t stupid.

“Will everybody relax?” The corners of River’s eyes crinkled with that charming smile. “This is a misunderstanding. Mackenzie asked me for help after Sunny was thrown off that underpass. We’re old friends, she knows I have connections. I was sorry to hear those connections didn’t help, and Sunny died anyway.”

I could’ve kissed the crap out of that duplicitous double-talker. His gift for telling the truth without saying anything at all was magnificent.

“The woman who found Sunny and got him help,” I said to Makai, but looked at River. “She was homeless. No one knows the homeless of Cinco like River. I hoped if we tracked her down, she might have more to tell us. The best she could do was that the killer is older, white, and bald.” I narrowed on Makai. “All of which I told you. Now put the gun down before I make you eat it.”

“All right, easy.” Makai holstered it. “Can’t be too careful.”

“Your turn. What were the three of you doing in here?”

“I’d like to know that as well,” Ryker said.

“I had a proposition for them,” River replied. “I heard the Sons of Saint were having problems moving merchandise. Their trunks are getting hijacked en route.”

“Who told you that?” Ryker demanded, advancing on him.

Shrugging, River flashed me a wink. “One hears things. Anyway, I offered to help find the people behind it... for a price, of course.”

“Offer rejected.” Ryker pinned Athena and Makai with a glare. “Sunny was clear: we don’t work with you, and they know that. Why the fuck did you let him in here?”

“He said he had information about Sunny,” Athena said. “We had to hear him out. We rejected his offer too, Ryker. Chill.”

River and I locked eyes through their entire talk. “You three are cute,” I said, “but I make the decisions here. All of you go, I’ll hear River’s offer.”

Ryker didn’t move. “What else do you need to hear? Sunny refused to work with the Rat King, that should be enough for you.”

“Your boss told you to leave. That should be enough for you.”

He made a harsh noise in his throat. Took me a second to realize it was a laugh. “Whatever you say, boss.” Ryker brushed against me, walking past. “When you two are done, we’ll talk. There’s something you should know.”

Makai, Athena, and Ryker filed out. Sienna was last to go, saying she’d keep an eye on things outside. It was just me and River.

“You ass.”

He laughed—mirth racking his body and dreads dancing above his golden eyes. River was homeless, and if you knew what to look for, you’d see it. If you didn’t, he was another gorgeous man wearing too many layers and scuffed shoes. But what set him apart were those layers were clean and dirt never touched his crown. Even then, his devastating smile struck me—though I wished to punch it in.

“Nice to see you again too. I’ve been looking for you, you know. Heard Digger caught up to you, then you and he disappeared. I was worried.”

“I bet you were. In between working out how to use Sunny’s death in your favor. I knew you two had history.” River came toward me and I moved back, keeping our distance. “You tried to trade him to repay your favor—”

“Which you still owe me.”

“Now I find out he didn’t want you anywhere near his business. What the hell are you doing coming here?”

“I told you.” River shot around the desk, coming for me. “Came to offer my assistance.”

“You came to make use of him being out of the way. Why? What was up between the two of you? How—?”

River snagged my belt loop. Towing me in, he lifted me onto the desk, wrapping me in a hug. “I missed you, Kenzie. You look good—happy, healthy. I’m glad.”

Against my will, I softened, molding my body to his. “I missed you too. How are you? Is everyone okay? Are they getting enough to eat?”

“They’re as good as can be expected. We’ve taken over the warehouses in the Bayside District, so at least we’ve all got a roof over our heads.”

“If you guys need anything, tell me. I can help now—repay what the crew did for me and Sienna. You don’t have to steal anymore.”

“Oh, yeah? You’re going to be my sugar mama? I could get real used to that.”

“Behave,” I said, poking his chest. Though I didn’t let go.

River was warm, familiar, and gentle. He was protection when I had none. A home when I lost mine. I never trusted him for a single second, but I also never doubted he’d be there if I needed him.