“My showing up threw a kink in someone’s plans,” I said. “Maybe it has something to do with the attacks, maybe not, but those three did not care about anyone’s wife—let alone yours. Give me more time to find out why. There’s still Vito to talk to. Any day now, Genny will text me, letting me know he’s at Cooper’s waiting to be duped.” I slid my foot up his calf. “I’ve got my bitch-boss act down, baby. He won’t know what hit him.”

“Hmm. I’d like to see that. Does she make an appearance in a lace thong?”

“She likes to make her appearances naked,” I purred, leaning in as he bent.

Laurel’s bottle smacked him in the face. It bounced off his nose, rolled off his knee and thudded under the coffee table. “Da.”

He blinked. “Ow.”

Snorting, I clapped over my mouth, trapping my guffaws.

“Uh, was that a warning? Mommy’s boobs are mine?”

“No,” I said, propping my little troublemaker up to burp. “It’s another quirk Sienna and I discovered. Laurel likes to throw her bottles after she’s done with them. You just happened to be in the firing zone.”

With Laurel missile-free, he chanced a kiss. “I meant to ask this sooner. Do you still want to do this? I didn’t know when I asked you to dangle yourself out there to draw in this guy that you had a kid. Liam’s mercenary idea is starting to look attractive.”

“You know it’s too late for that. What is he or she going to do? Announce they’re your second long-lost spouse? I have an in. They’re listening to me. I’m picking up things. I can see this through, Sunny.”

“I know you can.” He laced our fingers, dropping kisses on my knuckles.

Low lamplight played with his locks, burnishing them a dusky orange. He smiled—not a grin or a smirk—and crinkles lined his stormy eyes. Sole was simply breathtaking. To stare at him too long was an act of blasphemy. To get too close broke laws. Someone so beautiful could not be real. But he was real, and he was mine.

“Tonight was amazing,” I whispered. “I know there’s a lot we have to talk about, but that had to be said. Most incredible night of my life.”

He winked. “I aim to please. But what do you mean we have a lot to talk about?”

I worried my lip.

“Uh-oh,” Sunny said. “You’re about to say something I don’t want to hear.”

“Don’t pretend you have me all figured out,” I replied, poking him. “It’s just since Damien and Luca, I promised myself I’d do things differently with the next guy. Damien strung me along, never making promises or committing because it turned out the scum was engaged. While Luca was a collection of snakes that formed a humanoid body and learned to walk and talk.” Sunny snorted. “This time, I want us to be clear from the beginning about what we want. Are we casual, serious, or casual hoping to be serious? Think about it and then—”

“Serious.” There wasn’t a moment’s pause.

“Sunny, wait. Committing to me means committing to Laurel. You’re twenty-five years old and you only found out this week that the woman you’re into has a kid. Take some time to consider if this is what you really want.”

“Okay, I will.” Sunny gazed off in the distance. “Done. We’re serious. You were mine from the second your tent broke my fall, and I’ve known Laurel for a day and I already love her.” He pulled me close, laying my head on his shoulder. “I won’t run out on you, Kenzie.”

Eyes stinging, I squeezed them shut. “I know,” I rasped. “You were mine from the day you fell on my tent too.”

We were quiet for a while—the only sound Laurel’s coos and soft hums.

“There’s something else we should talk about,” Sunny spoke up.


“The way you look at Liam and Bane.”

I froze. I cycled through a half dozen emotions: surprise, panic, guilt, regret, sadness, and fear. What did Sunny think? We had an amazing night together. I felt closer to him than ever. Tell me our perfect night doesn’t end here.

“What do you mean?” I stalled.

“Angel, it’s okay.” Sunny’s smile let me know it truly was. “I don’t know how far it’s gone with you three—”

“It hasn’t,” I said quickly. “I promise we haven’t done anything.”

“I believe you. I just want to say this and it can be the only time we ever talk about this, if that’s what you want. Unlike other guys, I’m cool with poly relationships. I know they can work. I’ve never been in one, but I’ve also never cared that much about the person I was with to call it poly when they were screwing other people and I was too.

“You and I are real, and if Bane or Liam make you feel even a fraction of how happy I want you to be, then you don’t have to worry about me.”