“You ask a lot of questions.” I skimmed up her thigh, finding the place those shapely legs met. “You also showed up, attached to my sister’s arm, right as Jeremy and his crew blew into town.”

Bright spots of color stained her cheeks—from the question or the finger I slid inside her, hard to tell.

“What are you getting at, Cairo? I did what I did to Cavendish just to get an in with you g-guys?”

Another finger joined the first, scissoring her open. Rain tripped over her word—a flash of discomfort crossing her features. Didn’t stop her bracing against the steering wheel and easing me deeper.

“What a fantastically stupid plan that would’ve been.”

I grinned. Amazing how she could be so obedient and so brash in the same breath.

“You could’ve just as easily handed me to your father. Lots of snooping I would’ve done in jail.”

“Destiny brought us together, Rain, I’ve never denied it. Doesn’t mean destiny didn’t bring you other opportunities.”

I worked her with the other hand, sinking four fingers in that deliciously tight pussy. Rain whimpered—squeezing her eyes shut—and took every digit. My cock strained painfully against my zipper.

I went up against guys twice my size who couldn’t take half as much as her. They bitched and moaned over a few taps to the jaw, while I brought Rain past the limit multiple times and she refused to flinch.

Maybe that’s why it was infinitely more satisfying hurting her.

All the things I’ve done—the people I’ve hurt. No one believes I see the judgment in their eyes. That I indulge the pain without remorse. In that, they are correct. I did not feel bad for a single broken bone, bloodied body, or destroyed life, but the former was not true.

I hear their screams and pleas for mercy. I see the betrayal etched on their face. How dare I hold them accountable when every other weak bitch lets them slide? How dare I prove they were one of them?

That judgement irritated me. It kept me going past the point they had enough. They brought this side out of me. They taunted the beast—dropped scraps of meat to lure it out. Then they got mad at what they found.

Not my Rain.

She met him. Smoothed her hand down his hackles. Traced his snarl. Exposed her throat.

I looked in those eyes and saw many things, but never judgement.

Never fear.

“I’d spend the rest of my life hurting you, Rain.” I buried my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet, minty scent. “I’d keep you even if you betrayed me. Ran from me. Turned your arrow on me.”

I felt her swallow. “Are you thinking any of those are a possibility?”

Humming, I continued down, tugging her dress off with my teeth. “Arsenio told us about your chat with Ellis.”

“I told him.”

“Smart move in case we found out from someone else. Can’t say you were hiding it when you came clean on your own.”

She rocked on my hands—little pants dropping from her lips. “What are you getting at, Sharpe?”

“You take his bribe and play for his side, while coming to us promising you’ll feed him lies and play for us.”

“You’re a suspicious person, aren’t you? Won’t share your secrets in front of the family pet because you don’t like how he stares.”

I laughed. “You’re angry.”

“Yes, I’m angry,” she snapped. “I wouldn’t tell Jeremy or the New Boys shit. I trust him even less than you guys.”

“You don’t trust me?” My smile widened.

“Why would I? You haven’t given me reason to trust you, whereas I have. What information could I give Ellis that’s more damning than the trip Arsenio and I took to the Highland Arms?”

I shrugged, picking up the pace. Rain jerked and fell on the horn, blaring our fun to the entire street.

“Maybe you’re waiting till you have that agreement in writing.”

“Fuck you. You should know that—”

“That what?” I sliced in.

“That I wouldn’t give anyone power over you while you have power over me. The only end to that story is we all end up the New Boys’ bitches.”

Rain tossed her head back, lifting her dress uncaring of anyone driving by. The sight of her overstuffed hole nearly undid me. I haven’t come in my pants since my bout of wet dreams as a teenager. Fuck if she wasn’t about to break my streak.

I freed myself, letting the guy breathe while I continued my work.

“That’s your only reason?” I probed.

“What are you looking for, Cairo?”

Biting a curse, I drilled her, slapping a palm against her clit. What the hell was I looking for?

I didn’t understand Rainey de Souza, and with every passing day, that fact needled me harder. She hated my father, but why? The guy spent his life shuffling papers around his desk or drinking himself to death. When did he have time to make an enemy out of a college girl?