“You want me to put a glass of water on your back, and fuck you from behind. Every time you spill, that’s longer I’ll hold back your orgasm. You don’t come until I say.”

“Ah.” I flicked my clit, nipples pebbling in their safe cocoon.

Arsenio stopped at a traffic light, which reminded me of the half dozen we had to go to get to the Arms.

“You think Cairo, Roan, and Jacques haven’t shown you mercy? I’d have you drink from a real bowl. Ass up and butt plug tail wagging.”

I jerked—an involuntary muscle contraction that drove my fingers deeper. Were butt plug tails a real thing? I was more curious to find out than I’d admit.

I don’t have to. Arsenio isn’t asking. He’s telling.

“Faster,” he ordered. “Four fingers.”

Head falling back on the seat, I stretched my cunt to the limit. My face relaxed and I caught it, scrunching into a grimace. If the person in the car idling beside us looked over, she’d see a woman about to hurl, not a woman about to orgasm.

I picked up speed, soaking myself in my own arousal and skin tightening at the sound. I was getting turned on, from Arsenio turning me on.

“I told you to persuade me.”

Shifting on the seat, I leaned on the door and faced him.

Arsenio was rock hard and desperate to replace these fingers with himself. Even so, I sensed the kind of patience in him that I wasn’t familiar with.

He wouldn’t touch me until I gave him exactly what he wanted. No compromises. No settling for a quickie on the couch. A man like this had to own me body, mind, soul, and body.

“I’m ready for you, Arsenio. You can have me anywhere and any way you want.” I spread my folds, drawing his eye off the road and nearly killing us. “I’ll be your faithful, obedient pet.” My foot slid across the seat, seeking his crotch.

He shoved me back. “Not interested in a pet. These lapping dogs are on every street corner, begging to please the mayor’s son.”

“I’ll be your whore.” The words felt wrong coming out—because they came so easily. “I won’t beg for it. I’ll wait for you to give me whatever I deserve. Hurt me. Punish me. Spank me. Slap me,” I moaned. “I’m yours, Arsenio. The girl you’ve been waiting for.”

He made a noise low in his chest. “I’ll find out.”

I sensed I pleased him whether he’d admit it or not.


The command was a second ahead of me. I came screaming, uncaring of the cars driving past, my head hanging dangerously out.

Arsenio curled around my wrist, and licked me clean one digit at a time. My skin heated all over again.

“Give me your thong.”

I did. Arsenio stuffed it in his pocket without a word.

Sore-assed and bare-assed. My life was not this intriguing when I was just a farm girl chasing my feathered bobbleheads.

“What’s at the Highland Arms?” I asked after a spell.

“A guy named Axel Verlice,” he replied. “What have the guys told you about what we do?”

“They’ve told me exactly nothing. I’ve been going off the rumors I’ve heard over the years, and they aren’t flattering.”

“Then, this should be a treat.”

“Are we collecting money from him? Cairo said during Ruckus that everyone in town pays you a cut.”

“They do.”

“And...” I chose my words carefully. “No one has complained to Mayor Creed?”

“I don’t go on collection runs. They want to claim I’m involved, they better have proof. Why would my mother entertain anything less?”

I bobbed my head. “Why are we going to the Arms if you don’t do collection runs?”

“Who said this was one?”

I stopped asking questions, because he might just answer me.

Why meeting Axel Verlice was the most important thing we had to do today—more important to Arsenio than Paris’s safety—wasn’t something I wanted to know. Heavens knew why he sought me, of all people, out and dragged me along. It didn’t matter because the plan remained the same. Wait for a good time to duck out the door and not return until my friends were safe. When the truth came out about the shadow stalking Paris, the guys would understand. Some things were bigger than penance.

Like Redemption.

Arsenio was a handsome blur out of the corner of my eye. I avoided looking at him directly, half afraid he’d glance at me and see my escape plans written all over my face.

Another secret to hide: my conversation with Jeremy.

What if his father truly could give me the farm back all in exchange for the snippets of nonvital conversation they have in front of me? Could I really pass that up?

Another selfish choice made at their expense. Yes, I could pass that up, but not when it came to Gran. She wanted a de Souza on that farm till a meteor struck and ended the human race. If there was even the slightest chance Jeremy was writing up that contract, I wouldn’t fail her again.