“Take it, you tasty little slut. And say thank you.” He bent my head back. “Say it.”

“Fuck you.”

I reared. Cairo caught my wrist and bent it behind my back, making me cry out. Pulling out, he twisted till he forced me on my knees. One hand securing my wrist. The other forced the back of my head down, pressing my face to the floor.

He sank inside with a deep, satisfying hiss—fed by my whimpers.

“Cairo, please. I can’t take any more.”

“You take what I fucking give you, and what.” Thrust. “Do.” Thrust. “You.” Thrust. “Say?”

Each snap of his hips molded our bodies together, driving him deeper inside than I thought possible. My knees scraped the wood, splitting open to weep their own red tears. The pain anchored me. Gave me a safe place to harbor as my orgasm swelled and fought to drag me under.

“Thank y-you,” I rasped. “Thank you, Cairo.”

“For what?” he asked—his smirk so damn obvious, I didn’t need to raise my head and see it.

“For... owning me— Ah!” Cairo struck that spot, lifting me off my knees. “For giving me what I deserve.”

“What do you deserve?”

“You,” I said so softly, his grunts washed it away, then I was gone.

I came so hard black spots danced in my vision. Cairo drew away, leaving me to jerk and bounce on the floor.

Every part of me from the knees up ached. Blood stained my legs. All that being tossed around gave me a few dings and dents. As for the fire burning between my legs.

I wasn’t getting up and walking anywhere, anytime soon.

My eyes blinked as open arms slid under me. Cairo cradled me in his arms, picking my bag up on the way, and carried me out the door to the waiting car. Not his, so I suspected the showdown on Bay Avenue hadn’t happened yet.

Cairo took me home and left me in the tender care of Roan, who got hard bathing me and tending to my scrapes. He jacked off in the shower a few times, but otherwise didn’t shove another dick inside me, or try to goad me into spilling more blood.

After my bath, I shimmied into one of his T-shirts and crawled into his bed. My eyes nailed him over the covers, silently daring him to make me move.

He chuckled. “It won’t be me who hauls you out of that bed and deposits you in the doghouse. Jacques, Arsenio, or Cairo will have that honor. Though, I’m leaning toward Cairo since he’s always in a particularly foul mood after visiting his mother.

“I’ll be the one watching and silently rooting while Jacques spanks you again, but this time for me to enjoy.”

“You get off on pain, don’t you?”

I swept an eye around his room. The whole place was a shrine to sadomasochism. Whips and chains hanging on the wall. Posters of various people wearing leather and metal, flashing their red bare asses, clamped nipples, ball gags, and saucy winks as they wielded their riding crops.

Such a sweet, charming grin stretched his lips, you almost believe he was as harmless as he looked. “There is no pleasure without pain, darling. Anyone who says otherwise is repressed.”

I stifled a laugh. “Not sure it’s that simple.”

“No, but then you’re still learning.” Tossing me a wink, he backed out the door. “We’ll complete your education soon enough.”



“Give me the keys.”

“Cairo, watch your tone.”

Nora stood on the other side of her gilded fence. My car keys dangled from her fingertips.

“How are you, sweetie?” She tilted her head, gaze softening. It was the perfect mimic of someone who actually cared. “Are you eating enough? You look thin. Come inside for dinner. I’ll have Chef make your—”

“This is low, Nora. Even for you.”

“Do not call me Nora,” she snapped, a flash of my true mother returning. “I am your mother. You will treat me with respect.”

“You’re my mother,” I repeated. I made a show of looking around. “Is that why you’ll only speak to me through metal? Are you afraid of me, Mommy dearest?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I am going to go into this house, Esteban will open the gate, and if you want your keys back, you’ll come inside and have a civilized dinner with your family.” She stroked my cheek through the bars. I could’ve been chipped from granite for all the reaction I gave her. “I have missed you, Cairo. My sweet baby. Come inside.”

Nora turned away and did as she promised. She strode into her grand house, taking my keys with her. The security guard hit the button to open the gate.

I headed off in the opposite direction. Walking past my car, I saluted the rusted can goodbye and continued down the street, leaving Bay Avenue.

I didn’t stop till I was three miles and an hour away.

The modest two-story bungalow loomed at the end of the curb. I found the spare under the flowerpot and let myself in. A fetid, demanding stench hit my nose before I stepped over the threshold.