Rainey flushed redder than a maraschino cherry.

“Just smile, gorgeous.” I came up next to her, planting my hand on her ass. “Anything’s a fashion statement when you wear it with confidence.”

“A leash tied around a guy’s wrist is not a fashion statement.”

“You’re right, it’s a kink.” I licked the shell of her ear. “You keep walking around looking this damn good, I’m going to introduce you to another one of mine.”

“Not here,” she hissed when my hand traveled lower. “Later. At home.”

It was cute she thought she got to decide the when and where. It was even cuter she didn’t question I’d be coming on that ass again, or that it was our home.

In spite of her flaming cheeks, Rainey lifted her chin. Head held high and gaze straight ahead, she marched on Cairo’s firm lead.

The Bagel Glory lady dropped her tongs at the sight of us.

She stared openly at Rainey, who suddenly found a spot on the wall extremely interesting.

“Cinnamon sugar bagel,” said Cairo. “And a water. You can put it in a bowl.”

Her eyes bugged. “Listen here, whatever you want to get up to in the privacy of your home is your business. But do not bring that nonsense outside and involve decent people,” she snapped. “Shameful.”

The lady flounced off to have a fit in the back—super angry she wasn’t getting any.

“I’d be mad too,” I called after her.

Someone else came up and served us. “I’m sorry, sir. The way she spoke to you was unacceptable. Your food is on us.”

“Everything bagel with walnut cream cheese,” I said. “Oh, and fire her.”

Debra, as the name tag read, didn’t argue. “Of course, sir.”

“Roan, no,” Rainey cried. “You can’t get her fired. This is her livelihood.”

“This is the service industry, and she just shamed customers—literally—and refused to serve them. If you don’t think that’s a fireable offense, you’ve been on the farm too long.”

“You five are shameful,” she muttered, “and when are you going to quit with the farm-girl stuff? My clothes had to go because they reminded you of it. If you’re going to keep reminding yourself, I get my stuff back.”

I molded myself to her backside. “It’s a crime to let you walk around in that many layers.”

Rainey turned to me, smirk playing on her lips. “Shouldn’t be a problem, then. Since when are you guys law-abiding citizens?”

My brows shot up my forehead. Holy hell. Flirty, witty, and unwilling to take an ounce of shit. You can dominate me anytime, baby.

Damned if she isn’t already, another voice said. Part of me was happy to buy out the farm-girl aisle, and hold the clothes hostage till she whipped my surrender on the edge of a riding crop.

Alright, all of me was.

“You want out of these clothes so badly, we can arrange something.”

Rainey pinked, assuming I meant something else. Fine with me.

We got our food and went out onto the terrace. Paris looked up from her breakfast and spat her drink in Amy’s face.


“Oh ho,” someone called. “That’s the way to do it. You guys are fucking legends!”

He kicked off a roar of hooting, hollering, and wolf whistles. Rainey tried to duck behind Cairo.

She was still learning.

Cairo dragged her out by the collar, positioning her front and center. “What do you think you’re doing? You hate us and you’re ashamed to be seen with us?” He tsked. “I’m starting to feel undervalued in this relationship.”

“Don’t invent reasons to be mad at me, Cairo. Take the collar off. Please, you made your point. I want to curl up on the ground and die.”

“The ground? Well, it wasn’t like you were going to get a chair. You’re a pet,” he said, bringing her to the table. “Hands and knees. Now.”

“And if I say no, Jacques says three and the world keeps spinning. I can live with that.”

“If you say no.” Cairo spoke in her ear, but not too low for us. “I say five and deliver your punishment right here. Right now.” He kissed the tender spot on her neck. “One peek at those red cheeks is Viagra on steroids. These repressed shits would love a look.”

Rainey’s throat bobbed visibly. I read her internal struggle clear on her face, and naturally did nothing to help her. She was lucky to have a strong, handsome beast like Cairo put her on her knees. As lucky as I was to have Legend, and now her.

Fixed on us, she dropped to the floor, sitting on her legs like kneeling before an altar. She didn’t drop her head or break contact.

We did that. Though, we had taking our seats as an excuse.

“Rainey?” Paris ran up to her. “What the hell is going on? We were supposed to hang out at my place last week and I didn’t hear from you. What happened?” She spun on Cairo. “What did you do?”