“I’m an open-minded person,” Roan said. “Normally, I wouldn’t judge a guy for what gets his blood flowing south. Unless we’re talking about underaged kids... and his own brother. These were on Jeremy’s phone.”


I clapped my hand over my mouth, heaving as the photos got more explicit. Screenshots of their conversation appeared to drive the last of the Chinese food from my stomach.

Micah: No one can find out about us.

Me: It’s too dangerous. What if we’re caught?

Micah: I don’t care. I want you inside me. There’s nothing you can’t do to me.

“That’s not— I didn’t—”

“Holy shit,” someone said. Half the people watching looked as sickened as I felt. The other half hadn’t picked their jaws off the floor. “He’s your brother, man. That’s not right.”

“It’s not true! That’s fucking disgusting!” Spittle flew from Jeremy’s mouth. “He didn’t send those to me.”

“Easy to prove,” Roan said. “Make a liar out of me right now and show us your phone.”

“Piece of shit!” Jeremy stopped trying to get at the television, and flew at Roan. I’d seen the Crow lose his temper. This was the first I saw him lose control.

Three half-naked guys got in his way. The tide was turning. I felt the shift. Undoubtedly the Crows did too.

“What the hell is that reaction?” Roan asked. “Just show us your phone.”

“Yeah, show us.”

“Give up the phone.”

“Hand it over.”

“Fine.” Jeremy flung it at Roan’s head. He caught it one-handed. “There’s nothing on my phone. He did not send those texts to me. This is a trick,” he barked at the crowd. “He got those pics from the same bitch faking profiles and doctoring vid—”

“Here it is,” Roan said loud and clear. He handed the phone to someone next to him. “Tell everyone who those texts are between. Am I lying?”

The guy scrolled up, grimacing with each second looking at that screen. “Micah and Jeremy. It’s true. He’s fucking his own brother.”

“It’s not true! You’re lying,” Jeremy bellowed, eyes wild. “There’s nothing on my— You! You did this, Banks.”

“Me?” Roan repeated. “Yeah, it was me who did it. I exposed you all for what you are.”

“You put those texts and nudes on my phone.”

“So, you finally admit they’re on the phone.”

“Son of a—” The guys strained to hold him. He was fighting hard to get at Roan. “It’s all lies!”

“All of it? The videos of you jumping guys five on one? Bentley’s side business? Gael’s coke-dealing? It’s all made up?”

“No, the—”

“No,” Roan said. “Exactly.”

He turned his back in spite of Jeremy’s hand breaking through the barricade, swiping desperately at his back.

“You know us,” Roan broadcasted inside, outside, and to all of Bay Avenue. “And now you know the real Crows. It’s your choice. The Bedlam Boys won’t stop you making it. But I’ll tell you what I choose: Bedlam now.”

“Bedlam forever!”

Roan flicked up to me again. “We’re outta here, gorgeous. Come catch a ride.”

My feet carried me down of their own power. Roan actually hoisted me up and carried me on his back. I secured my arms around his neck, resting my cheek on the back of his head as we left the struggling Crows behind. They had so many guys pinning them down, I was shocked they could breathe under there. But Jeremy was getting more than enough oxygen to say what he had to say.

“You’re dead, Banks. I promise you, you’ll pay for this. Do you hear me?! You’re dead!”

Roan kicked the door shut, trotting down the drive. We were almost to Legend’s when I found my voice.

“You faked those pictures, didn’t you?”

“The cougars, drugs, beatdowns? Nah. Mom hired a private security team to patrol campus. I made the case the Crows were a problem waiting to happen, and they stopped denying it after the Homer Green Brawl. All that stuff is just what they found on the surface. Who knows what they’ll find with some more digging?

“As for Micah and Jeremy. Yeah, that shit’s fake. Micah sent those texts and nudes to me. I made it look like they went to him. Not as hard as you’re thinking.”

My jaw worked. “You’re sleeping with Micah?”

“That’s what you got out of that?”

“Are you?” I repeated. Bitter, hot jealousy tightened the hold on his neck.

“Oooh,” he rasped. “We can give autoerotic asphyxiation a try. I’d definitely be into that. But no.” Roan smacked my ass. “He sent me nudes. We exchanged dirty texts. Hasn’t gone farther than that.

“I’ve been working on Micah since I met him. I noticed him checking out my ass, and figured this could be used to my advantage at some point. Turning him and Jeremy into brother-fuckers was truly inspired. Some of my best work.”

I leaned over him to catch his eye. “You’ve been flirting and sexting this guy for weeks, but you never planned to sleep with him?”

Roan heaved a sigh. “Still stuck on that. No, love. That guy isn’t my type. He’s submissive, and stupid. He came after my boys, my boyfriend, and my town, and thinks he’ll get laid for it. While you, are perfection. You pegged those guys as double-talking shits from jump street. And you’re still trying to choke me out.”