“But I can’t do it without falling off.” Which is clearly the point.

Legend winked. “That’s quitter’s talk, baby. Forward bend.”

I didn’t move.

“Legend, I know you’re angry. The Crows are coming after your family business. They started a brawl and someone tried to stab Roan.”

His expression hardened.

“Let’s not do this while you’re upset. We can just talk.”

“That’s a good idea. Let’s talk,” he said. “Let’s talk about why I’m protecting you. You’re the one who killed Cavendish, and because Cairo wanted a pet, I have to put up with the suspicion.

“The Crows are turning the town against us. They’re whipping my employees into a strike, and how much do you want to bet they’re using a certain murder investigation to make the lies go down sweeter?”

I raised my chin, chest rising and falling.

“Why shouldn’t I do this while I’m angry? Did you think you were forgiven?” He ate the distance, knocking me off with his mere presence. “Don’t tell me you thought your punishment was over? That we’re your boyfriends now.” Legend pouted. “Ah. How sweet.”

“No,” I said, hiding my balled fists behind my back. “I didn’t think that.”

“Didn’t you?” Legend moved behind me. “You’re a toy, de Souza. A pet. A distraction. A consolation prize at best.” His breath was hot on my neck. “Cairo can fuck you. Roan can use you. Jacques can play with you. Arsenio can mold you. But that’s all you’ll ever be. Say you understand.”

The words burned coming out. “I understand.”

“Good ’cause right now, I’m playing with my toy. Forward bend.”

I bent at the waist, reaching for my ankles, and pitched off the ball.

“The dress,” Legend said. “Take it off.”

Tugging the dress down, I glanced at him over my shoulder. It was hard to recognize the smiling, flirty man who teased my nipples and made me blush in public. Why was I surprised? Looking at the company he kept should’ve clued me in. I didn’t know everything about Legend St. James.

“Grab the chair arms.”

I did, knowing what was coming.

Pain erupted in my left cheek. I bit my lip, smothering a whimper. Legend did not hold back.

“Back on the ball.”

I climbed on in nothing but my lace hipsters. Legend twirled the paddle around his finger. He opted for slave.

“Eagle pose.”

My jaw clenched. For eagle, I had to twist my arms and legs around each other, then stand on one foot. The pose was impossible for me on solid ground.

“Waiting for something?”

I raised my foot an inch, and fell over. I couldn’t catch myself and dropped face-first on the couch.

“Get on your knees.”


“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He selected slut from his collection.

I shakily got my knees under me, clutching the couch cushion. The paddle whistled cutting through the air.


“On the ball.”

I whipped around on him, glaring furiously. “This isn’t going to make you feel better. It won’t change a damn thing.”

Legend was power, and fury, and sex contained in one mortal body. His thick thighs strained the fabric as he crouched. “Why not? It makes you feel better. We’re not all so clueless, baby, I know why you got in our truck. I’ve always known.”

“What?” I whispered.

“You want to be punished. You want us to make it hurt on the outside as much as it does on the inside. It’s the only way you can live with yourself.

“It’s the only way to breathe.”

The words rapid-fired from his smirking, cruel mouth. There was no chance to take cover.

He laughed—a terrible, harsh sound. “I know a little something about that, and if you want to hurt, love, I have always been your man.” Legend winked. “You didn’t have to burn a guy to get my attention.”


“On the ball,” he ordered.

I shoved up.

“Ah.” Legend stopped me with the paddle. “Lose the panties.”

I pulled them off and threw it at him. Legend laughed as they bounced off his face.

“Chair pose.”

I fell off three times trying to get back on and find my balance.

Straightening, I raised my hand to do the pose I was meant to fail.

“You’re a pet. You’re a toy.”

I lowered slowly and the ball wobbled. It threw me off its back.

Landing smack on the carpet, I groaned at the jolt through my sore backside.

“Get up. Hands and knees.”

“That’s all you’ll ever be.”


“Excuse me?”

“No,” I cried.

“Get on your knees, toy.”

“Screw you!” The torrent burst. Snatching up the ball, I flung it at him.

Legend ducked, cursing. I ran for the door.

Closing on the knob, I yanked it open. Legend was on me in three bounds. He slammed his hands on either side of my head—ripping it free of my grasp and banging the door shut.

“This is what you wanted,” he growled.

“Not like this!” Sobbing, I slid to the floor, forehead pressed to the wood.

“What else is there?”

Legend pressed me in tighter—blotting out my light, sound, and my escape. “You did indulge your little fantasy that we were your boyfriends. Well, let me be the one to break it to you, this is all there is.