The hotel employees knew about us. From the contracted masseur to room service. Hell, even the manager checked to see how we were doing. Any of them...

No. It wasn’t them.

I lick my lips that have suddenly grown as dry as sandpaper. “Did you send Thomas to spy on us?”

Gramps had said Thomas would take a vacation at the end of October. I should have put it together long before now. Prick hasn’t missed a day of work since we both started interning while we went to college.

Gramps shrugs. “I didn’t order him to do so. He asked for time off and I gave it to him. How did I know he was going to Texas to say hi to his beloved cousin?”

For the first time in my life, Gramps’s laugh has a sinister tone that chills me to the bone. And the Lord knows, I don’t scare easily. He will ruin me. Of that I have no doubt.

It’s Not Over Until…


IanswerRoyce’scallright away. Having slept earlier, I’m wide awake and eager to hear his voice.

“How was the visit with your grandfather?”

He lets out a weighted sigh. “It didn’t go as I expected, Sin.”

The defeat in his voice makes the hair on the back of my neck lift with unease. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yeah, I do. Can I call you on FaceTime?” His tone lowers as if he were in a place of worship. “I want to see you.”

My heart flip-flops.

Something is wrong. Something is really wrong.

“Um, yeah. Sure. I’ll be on… but, um, could you give me ten minutes?”

His laugh comes out drier than baked dirt. “Sure. Just join me when you’re ready.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

As soon as we end the call, I vault from the bed and rush into the bathroom. Finger detangling my hair as I go, I do my best to ignore the disquiet our quick conversation caused.

The light in the bathroom is not kind. Anxiety has turned my reflection in the mirror pasty… and damn if there aren’t… three lines from my rumpled pillow case embedded into my left cheek.

Taking a face towel from the cupboard, I wait till the water from the tap warms. In the meantime, I quickly yank the remaining tangles out of my hair and give a few strokes to it with my brush.

After testing the water for warmth, I wet the towel and press it against my cheek with one hand, while threading my toothbrush with toothpaste with the other. I brush my teeth, scrubbing my tongue at the end for good measure.

I know Royce won’t be able to smell my breath through the screen, but a girl has to be fresh, regardless.

I rinse my toothbrush, flip off the light in the bathroom, and half a beat later, I swipe the screen, open the app, and join Royce on the video call with thirty seconds to spare.

Is that a handsome man or what?

Royce’s mane, growing longer by the second it seems, is damp from his shower and he has the most adorable curly-q’s gracing his brow. His room is dark, with just the light of his laptop illuminating his face. The shadows get into every plane, emphasizing his perfect features. And damn if his hazel eyes glow as his gaze travels over my image…

He quirks an eyebrow. “So… what’s up? What do you have to ask me?”

“Ah, that can wait,” I hedge, buying a little time. “How was the visit with your grandfather?”

Royce leans back in what I assume is a swivel chair as he twists slightly from one side to the other as he talks. “Yeah, it sucked. I’ll tell you all about it in a minute. First, I want to hear your news.” He gives me his sweet, boyish smile. “I hope that it’s good because I could use some cheering up right about now.”

My throat constricts. “Well… Royce, um…”