Matt, like a good husband, supported her. So much, in fact, he’d also given up his job to be her publicist.

When he told me that, I almost laughed into the phone as he reverently talked of Pam’s ambition as if she were some kind of rock star or some shit.

Still clutching my side as I silently laughed, I stopped on a dime when the bad news hit.

Matt’s parents, with a monthly allowance, had enabled their son and his wife to follow their passion until… his dad, a plastic surgeon, left his mom for an anesthesiologist he’d met at a medical conference a while back. Seemed they’d been having an affair for years since Matt has a half-brother that just turned twelve.

The divorce, filled with a whole heap of bitterness, caused his parent’s support to dry up like a shallow river bed in the hottest part of the summer.

And right when Pam discovered she was pregnant, too.

With no other options for funding, Matthadto seek employment. Given the economy of late and everyone holding onto their jobs for dear life, Matt could only find work as a grocery bagger and pizza delivery guy.

Hey, it’s an honest living and substantial income for a single person, but not for a man who needs health insurance, a wife who refuses to work, and a baby due any day.

I swear, if it weren’t for the baby, he and Pam could dive off a cliff into oblivion. I’ll help him though because of the child. If I can save one person from growing up in a house where money is always an issue, like I did, I will.

So, when Royce calls tonight, like he promised he would, I’ll ask him to give Matt a job straight away.

Bone Chiller


WhenIentertheapartment, I find Seth sitting on the couch. He has his arm around a slim woman with dark hair and a toothy smile. She introduces herself as Candy, pulling up her red boob-tube top before she shakes my hand in a soft grip. With her stature and figure, she looks like a woman who holds up the signs in a boxing ring.

That Seth is great at reeling them in.

We chit chat for a bit before I retreat to my room. I don’t grill him about leaking my business to his mom. What good would it do? Besides, I’m tired as all get out.

I drop my bag on the floor and collapse on the bed. Hours later, when my phone rings, I realize I’ve fallen asleep fully clothed.

Remembering what happened this afternoon, I look at the caller ID before I answer. A huge smile breaks out on my face when I see it is Royce calling and not Matt.

“Hey,” I say, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.


The pleasure I feel in the way he says my nickname goes straight to my core. It’s the same pleasure I experienced when he rolls his tongue over my clit.

“I’m so glad to hear your voice,” he says.

I giggle, his words making joy bubble from me like hot grease in a pan.Roycecan do that just by speaking.

“Are you home? How was your flight?”

“I haven’t been home yet. I’m on my way to see Gramps first. And about the flight...that shit was long and boring. I had a woman jabber away about her granddaughter the entire flight to New York. There were no other seats in first class or I would have made up an excuse to move. The only thing that saved my sanity was thinking about you when she took a breath.”

“Did you roll your eyes?”

“Constantly. You should have seen me.”

I huff out a laugh. “If I were there, you wouldn’t have done it.Iwould have been the one sitting next to you and not the grandma.”

“I wish you had been, Sin.” The deep emotion in his tone colors his words and lifts my heart.

I’m saved from making a sentimental statement by the driver, I assume, announcing to Royce that he’d reached his destination. “Hey, Sin. I’m at my Gramps’s place. Can I call you later?”

“Please do...I uh, need to ask you something.”