“Will you park? We can get a cup of coffee or something?” he asks, his eyes hopeful.

I try to hide my surprise. I figured he would just want me to drop him off curbside. I’m more than pleased he wants to hang out for a while, because truth be told, I’m not ready to let him go either.

“Sure,” I say, all casual, like the fact he wants to spend more time with me is no big deal when, in fact, it means a lot. A hell of a lot.

He retrieves his bag from the car. I lock the doors and to my surprise, he holds out his hand. I slip mine in his, trying not to acknowledge how my heart speeds up when he rubs his thumb along the back of my knuckles.

With him doing everything so damn right, it’s hard for me not to acknowledge how I feel.

Royce pulls me along to the priority check-in line, only letting go of my hand when we come to the desk. He reaches into the pocket of his gray business suit to retrieve his ID from his wallet.

After we had sex the second time, he had taken the fastest shower ever and changed into a suit for his trip. I promised to wash his clothes, and I will, but I’ll be sleeping in a shirt or two before I do.

The agent, a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and friendly blue eyes, gives us a big smile. “Are you and your wife traveling today?”

I start to correct him, but clam up when Royce says, “No, not this time. She’s staying at home to care for our six little ones.” The agent laughs as Royce winks at me and loops an arm around my waist.

I roll my eyes, playing along for the fun of it, dampening down the flutter I feel at Royce’s words. If I wasn’t positive that our misstep this afternoon wouldn’t lead to a pregnancy… I might be a little worried.

Still… Iwouldn’tmind having his children.

Yeah, like that is going to happen. I might as well wait until the stars fall from the skies.

As the agent busies himself with checking Royce’s ID and printing his boarding pass, the father of my nonexistent children travels his hand to the swell of my ass, giving it a healthy squeeze.

I hold back my yelp of surprise as the agent hands Mr. Touchy Feely his ID and travel document.

Royce smirks and moves his palm to the top of my right ass-cheek. I blush when I catch the knowing grin of the man behind us. In my embarrassment, I speed walk us to the café I spied as we came into the terminal.

At the front of the café, situated a few yards from security, a table full of women in designer clothes stop their conversation and eye us.

Well, more Royce than me.

I straighten my T-shirt and smooth down my skirt before I realize that I’m trying to act like I’m worthy enough to be with someone like him.

That’s not me. I won’t change who I am or how I dress for anyone. At least, not anymore. I tried to be the woman Matt’s mother wanted, and it was all for nothing.

Bitch hated me from the jump.

Royce leads me to the only table that is free. Too bad it is located only a few feet from the women. He sits, giving them his broad back while I have a perfect view of how they scan Royce with expressions filled with admiration.

“Seems you have a few admirers,” I say, amusement coloring my tone.

“Yeah, I caught that. That’s why I sat the way I did.”

I rack my brain for a response, but I come up blank. My mind has shut off. All I can do is try and keep my grin from splitting my face wide open.

It seems like only a few seconds pass before we’ve finished our coffees and I’m walking Royce to priority security. Unfortunately, there is no one in line, so our time to say goodbye is immediately at hand.

Royce wraps me in his arms. His eyes, full of tenderness, wander over my face as if he is trying to memorize it.

He sighs heavily. “I’m going to miss you, Sin.”

Royce kisses me on the forehead, then cupping my face, he goes for my lips in a soft and very satisfying kiss goodbye.

Stepping away, I get a nice once over from him before he walks towards the woman manning the security podium. She checks his ID, and after scribbling something on his boarding pass, she hands it back to him. He turns again, and with his phone in his hand, he snaps a picture of me. I stare after him until he rounds the corner, his deep laugh following him.

The security woman, who has glowing brown skin and an easy smile, says, “Now, if my man looked like that andhe lookedat melike that…“ She twists her lips in a playful grin. “Hun, I’d be crying too.”