I give him a smile and let out a shaky breath. “Yes, I’m fine. I just thought I saw someone I knew. Was the line to get the water long?”

“Not at all,” he replies, going along with my subject change. He uncaps a bottle and hands it to me. I gulp half of it down, trying to moisten my mouth that has turned into a breeding ground for cacti.

I don’t know who that man was, but if I see him again, I’m going to get some answers.

The Haves and The Have Nots


Wepackedupandleft the lake soon after Royce arrived with the drinks. I felt creeped out, to say the least. I decided against telling Royce about the man, as I didn’t want to spoil our last few hours together, wondering about someone I would probably never see again.

Fingers crossed.

Royce has been a real sweetheart, dragging the equipment around. No matter how far we walked and with whatever I asked him to do, he never complained.

“Where would you like to go for lunch?”

Royce buckles up before answering. “I wouldn’t mind something light. Traveling with a heavy stomach doesn’t work for me.”

“I know just the place.”

As a treat, I intend to buy lunch for us today. It’s the least I could do after he took care of me all week. I just hope he won’t give me a hard time about paying.

I back the car out and head toward Round Rock and this vegetarian place I know. Their salads are chocked full of local cheeses, organic vegetables, and preservative-free meat replacements.

While I drive through the light traffic, we talk mainly about his upcoming trip and what he thinks his grandfather has planned for his birthday.

As I’m turning into the parking lot of the restaurant Royce says, “I hate you won’t be there, Sin.”

This isn’t the first time he’s told me this. He’s also asked me to go with him to New York—in a roundabout way.

I considered it. I truly did, but I can’t saddle Natalie with even more work after she’s covered me for two weeks.

Ignoring the tingle his words cause, I pull into an empty spot near the door. Shutting off the engine, I try to keep the lust from my voice as I ask, “We can celebrate after you get back, right?”

He nods and opens the door.

I step out and watch as he retrieves my equipment from the back seat, loving how his dark hair gets swept from his forehead by the gentle breeze. How the beard he’s grown perfectly accents the rise of his cheekbones.

I’m going to love how it’ll tickle my thighs when he has his head between them.

Hunger for him, like I’ve never known for any man, rises within me, making my body tremble.

All I can do to calm down is promise myself…


“This restaurant looks more like a living room than a place to eat,” Royce says when we walk inside.

He’s right. The seating is unique with camel colored loveseats, couches, and wooden coffee tables in place of the standard chrome chairs and metal tables.

We find a couch and sit down. With the camera equipment on one end and us on the other, we are ready to get down to eating. At the thought of food, my stomach growls.

Royce hears it and laughs. “With all that noise, I bet I won’t get away with paying for just a salad. Damn,” he says, feigning woe. “I hope my credit card can cover it.”

I answer, his teasing with a prim tone. “Don’t worry, cheap-ass. I’m buying today.” Instead of watching him chuckle, I pick up the menu from the wooden surface of the coffee table.

“Well… thank you, Sin,” he says with a grin. He then makes things more intimate by leaning over my shoulder to study the menu I hold in my hands. Inwardly, I smile as we look over the items, his warm breath tickling my neck.