Aaaaaaand now we’re drawing the attention of the table nearest to us. It just so happens to be the biggest table in here, a twelve-top filled with folks. Seems a grandfather is having a party. I’m assuming it must be his, what with that hugeI’m-the-B-day-Boybutton on his Buc-ee’s shirt.

The women have stopped their chattering to poke their men, pointing in our direction. Even the kids, who probably have no clue what’s going on, twist in their seats for a better view.

As I re-tie the bandanna around my neck, I give Royce a hate filled glance for putting me in this position. It must be one of my better ones as the man I’m getting over by the second steps back and removes his arm.

“If you trust me,” he growls out, using more teeth than a wolf getting ready to bite into something. “I’ll see you out front in ten.”

He plucks blondie up by the arm and shuffles her away.

I prop myself against the wall, tilting my head back. My mind, in the voice of my father says,You’ve gotten yourself into a real pickle, Pumpkin.

The overwhelming need to call my parents hits me square in the chest. Dad’s no nonsense approach, and Mom’s calm and cool tone, have always helped me through the rough spots (insert Matt). They would know just what to do in this situation.

Although my fingers itch to dial their number, I’m not going to call them. It’s almost 7 AM New Zealand time. Waking them up on their one day off would be wrong. Besides, I called them last time Royce upset me. They were so worried, they texted or called every day for a week after.

Natalie would be a viable option, she’s just a few feet away. But she’s also a no-go. She has to pick her son Tyler up from her parents tonight, and the few hours she has left, she should spend them with BB, not dealing with my screw-up.

In the time it takes me to meet Royce’s deadline, I run all the options through my analytical mind, thumping my head softly against the wall as I weigh each scenario for the best outcome to preserve my heart.

Heaving out a sigh, I reach my decision. The only thing to do is listen to what Royce has to say.

At the very least, I’ll get a ride home out of it.

Sins of the Past


Ipulloutmywallet as Char plops her ass in her seat, crossing her arms and scowling.

Joyce looks up from her necking session with Shane. Noting her friend’s sour expression, she asks, “Is everything okay?”

She meant the question for Char, but it’s no surprise to me when Shane answers. “Yeah, babe. I’m just getting into it.”

Joyce pulls away, poking her clueless boyfriend in the side. Shane finally looks further than his dick to see Char’s face pinched tighter than an asshole.

Which technically I am since I’m leaving in the middle of adate-I-didn’t-ask-for.

I throw down enough money to take care of the bill and a nice tip before answering Shane and Joyce’s inquiring glances. “I have to take care of something.”

Shane’s mouth pops open. He closes it when Char says, in the cattiest voice I’ve ever heard, “Oh? Are you going to hook-up with that piece of ass you sucked face with?”

What the fuck?

Miss Thirsty can say whatever she wants about me, but no one insults Sin in my presence.

I give Char my best thong ripping smile, buttering her up before I slice her thin. “Ah, Char. Don’t be so bitter. It’s not a good look on you.”

She turns red and tries to sputter a comeback. Nothing comes out but gibberish. I exit the table to the soundtrack of Shane’s laughter.

The sun is lower and hotter than when I first entered the restaurant. I shade my eyes, moving past the groups lingering on the porch. Scanning the parking lot from left to right, then searching the faces of those waiting for a table, my heart plummets when I determine Sin is not among them.

I pushed her. Too fast. Too far. If there was a time to let go of my control and put her first, that incident in the hallway was it. I should have—

“You looking for me?”

That profile of hers is something. The gentle curve of her neck. The pink of her lips. Her thick eyelashes. How delicate her ears are. And just look at the slight downturn of her eyes. How have I not noticed her features before? It seems I’ve failed to see the forest for the trees. There is so much to discover about her. Sin is familiar, yet a mystery I want… no, I need to solve.

And I can’t wait to begin.