“So where are you going?” I ask, kicking off the bed covers and swinging my legs to the floor.

“Big Barron wants to go out to dinner then see some friends play on Sixth Street. They’re in this 80s cover band. Since it’s going to be a little cool tonight, I thought I’d wear my purple and black jumpsuit. Do you think I should pad the shoulders? That way, it would pass for an 80s outfit, right?”

“Is it one of those bars where people dress the part?”

“No,” she says, sounding doubtful. “At least not that I know of, but I thought he’d appreciate the effort.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I say, happy for her, and a twinge sad for myself that I’ll be alone tonight.

“Hey, I have some good news.”

“What?” I do a terrible job of trying to keep the glum from my voice.

“I presented the integration proposal to your man—“

“He’snotmy man.”

Natalie continues, acting as if she didn’t hear me. “And he said it was great and that we should implement it.”

Even though I’m back to thinking about Royce, I can’t deny that I’m pleased. “I’m so glad he liked the plan, Nat. You worked really hard on it.”

“Well… that’s just the thing. It was yours, remember? You pitched it to Mr. Williams about a year back. I just polished it up a bit—“

“What?” I screech. So much for not talking. If I keep it up, I’m going to lose my voice.

“Yeah, and I also may have cried a little when I told him you’d been in an accident.”


She continues, overriding my indignation with her exuberance.

”—But thebest-estnews is… he said to tell you he’s coming over to your place…tonight.”

I drop the phone and cover my face with my hands. They warm quickly, what with all the embarrassed heat flowing under my skin.

Chapter Six

Working It Out


Idon’theadoverto see Sin straight away. Instead, I drive to Shane’s gym. The surprise at me showing up early is clear on his face as he makes his way over to talk. I end our conversation quickly, saying I need to get in the zone. He nods, walking away even as I promise to call him later.

He doesn’t seem upset, but even if he was, I can’t assuage his feelings when mine hold nothing but confusion. I’d called Tiffany on the drive over here and our conversation was… damn strange, to say the least. She sounded…off.Not the wise-ass I know, but more like someone bummed about their favorite TV show not getting renewed.

“Royce, I’m glad you called. It’s good to hear your voice.”

“What’s wrong, Tif? Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes. I just have a lot on my mind lately.”

“Is it about that guy you mentioned last time?”

“No… not really. It’s… it’s just something I have to figure out on my own.”

“You still want to get married, right?” I couldn’t explain why I hoped her answer would be “No.”

“Yes..no. I… uh, I... I don’t know. There is still time to cancel things, right?”