“Does he know you’re giving me the CEO position?”

“Oh, that? I may have let it slip.”

Yeah, I bet. Gramps doesn’t spill any secrets unless it benefits him or the business.

“How did he take it?”

“He didn’t give me any static. Didn’t even look disappointed. Just asked for some time off at the end of the month. I gave it to him, figured he needed to go on vacation and lick his wounds in private.”

I ask no more questions. I’d gotten the answers I needed. Gramps and I shoot the breeze for a few more moments. After we end the call, I go over what I’d learned.

One: Thomas was planning something.

Two: From our phone call I gathered that if Gramps had any idea what a potential obstacle Genesis presented, he would have fired her before I came. Gramps (like Tiffany) has no objection to my call girls. A non-pro, however, would be a problem. Something could happen...

Hell, something already has.

I’d told Sin I was thinking about her. About her damn sexy mouth.

Much like my grandfather’s penthouse office had closed in on me, my hotel suite has the same effect. Staying in this room alone when I fully expected a night of Sin...

I have to get out of here.

My feet are already on the move. I open the closet and replace my suit with my gym clothes. I’d long ago stopped going to therapy, but I haven’t forgotten my coping mechanisms. Doing something I love, something that makes me feel better about myself, helps quell my negative thoughts.

I grab my keys and wallet from the foyer table and head out the door, vowing to get my head on straight.

Tipsy Tales


IenterTheBlueSlipper, to find Natalie leaning over the bar top, talking to Big Barron—the owner of the Slipper and a small restaurant close to an access road. He’s from a small town in Bavaria. He came over here in his twenties for Eeyore’s Birthday (a party for diehard Austinites) and he never left. Now, he’s in his mid-forties, and very easy on the eyes. A local paper did a write up on his bar a year back, and they described him as a silver fox.

Nat agrees.

She’s told me multiple times how she loves his blue eyes, his German accent, and salt and pepper hair.

He’s kind of sweet on her and she on him. No one else would know, given how they act. We’ve been coming to this bar for over a year and all they’ve done is talk. I’m a little perturbed at how she’s pushing me towards Royce when she has done nothing to further her own love life.

I mentally slap myself.

Royceandloveshould not be in the same sentence.

Now, Royce and smoking-hot sex, sure.

Great sex,which I denied myself.

And if it was the right thing to do, why do I ache so badly?

I tap Nat on the shoulder. She looks over at me, winks, but keeps talking. Big Barron tears his eyes away from Nat for a second to give me a chin jerk in greeting. He then goes back to hang on Natalie’s every word.

I leave them alone. I have what I need. Nat has already lined up a vodka and cranberry for me and as I take a grateful sip, I’m reminded why I switched from scotch.

Matt had liked it. Royce as well. I tasted it on his tongue when he kissed me.

Come to think of it, the last time I had a buzz (although slight) was in New Orleans.

Tonight, I plan to get blasted.