I loop my bag over my shoulder and take a step forward to brush past him.

He stands in my way. “We need to talk.”

I ignore the hope blooming in my chest.It’s not right. It’s not right.

But my damn feet won’t listen. They direct me back to my chair, where I sit with a huff. I clutch my bag to my side in the same way I had on that elevator ride up to his suite. Beyond excited, I had grown damn near lightheaded, knowing I was in for a night of revelations.

And boy-howdy, did I ever reap what I sowed.

I came into myself that night. Never could I go back to light tussles and half-hearted ass slaps. I had to have it rough, tough, and full of gruff.

Royce gave me that and I’ve never been able to forget that or let it go. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to accept being treated like a pariah by him or any man.

“Why did you want to meet, Mr. Grayson?” I applaud myself for keeping a somewhat civil tone.

He takes a seat on my desk, his knee a mere inch from my thigh. Refusing to meet his gaze, I stare at his legs. The same tree trunks that held me up in the shower as he thrust inside of me...

“We enjoyed ourselves in New Orleans, correct?”

He pauses so long that I look up. His face is alight with an inner glow that has me mesmerized.

I nod, barely conscious that I am doing so as I can’t stop wondering why he is looking at me with such tenderness when nothing we did was remotely tender…

Except how he’d held me afterwards as we fell asleep, his mouth in my hair and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

“Then why can’t we do it again?”

“Hmm?” I answer, lost in the daydream of his sweet embrace.

“I want us to pick up where we left off, Sin,” he says, jolting me out of a warm memory and into a cold and barren reality, devoid of all feeling. “At least until I head back to New York. I know you have a life outside of work, friends and whatnot. We can set-up times for... ourassignations, if you will. I propose—“

“What!?” I jump from my chair, heart pounding. I’m fairly certain no one is on this floor, but it pays to be cautious. And that is the only reason I lower my voice to a furious whisper. “Did I hear you correctly?”

The grin on his face is not one I can decipher. I don’t care to do so anyway. After days of ignoring me, he now wants to “fuck me.”

Talk about whiplash. Not to mention the prick didn’t even offer me dinner first.

“Do you think I’m some prostitute ready to do your bidding at the snap of your fingers? Do you plan to leave money on my dressing table after every…assignation?”

His tan skin colors a nice shade of manly-pink.Damn he blushes pretty.

“Take it easy, Sin. Maybe we can talk about this somewhere else. We could order room service at my hotel and go from there.”

“Royce, I can tell youexactlywhere to go.”

The grin slips from his face, and his jaw grows tight. I’ve upset him.

I don’t give a damn because he’s upsetme.

I spring up and push past his hot body and handsome face.

“Where are you going, Sin?” he says, fast on my heels.

I quicken my pace. “I’m leaving.”

Why is my desk so far from the damn elevator?

I reach the elevator panel. His long arm shoots out and presses the down arrow for me. I look at him over my shoulder, hyperaware of his heat seeping under my clothes, scorching my skin. His scent, the one I recognize from New Orleans, is as heady as ever...