But I want to. God, I want to.

“Well, if you find out, go for it. Life is too short to deny ourselves what we really want. Even if I don’t desire sex, Iknowyou do.”

“I’m not an animal,” I answer curtly. “I can control my impulses.”

I made a liar out of myself after only five days. Five days of fighting my want...myneedfor Sin’s luscious body with every fiber of my being.

I worked out. I meditated. Hell, I even took part in a lunchtime yoga class.

Nothing worked. Even the idea of flying Arora to Texas to see to my needs was abhorrent. My cock shriveled like a turtle in his shell at the thought.

And at night, when I closed my eyes, Sin filled every thought as my dick filled my hand. To images of her—crawling, kneeling,sucking—I stroked myself, biting back harsh growls as I came.

By Wednesday, I decided Tif was right. Life was too short to deny myself what I wanted. Employee or not, if she hated me or not, I was going to ask Sin to continue what we had in New Orleans—under the same conditions and the same rules.

No commitments. No attachments. Assignations and nothing else.

Chapter Four

The Snare of a Web



I should have left an hour ago. But oh, no. I’m forced to wait forhimto show up instead of getting my drink on.

Nat had texted a minute ago, asking for an update. She’s holding my seat at our usual bar, The Blue Slipper. Their Hump Day Happy Hour is legendary, and I’m missing it.


Because his majesty, Mr. Royce Grayson, loves to see me sweat. He asked Mr. Brown to have me waitagainas he wanted to meet with me tonight.

Why? I have no clue.

The day he arrived, I’d sat around forever before he swaggered up to my desk. He then kept me in the officeon a Friday night, asking questions.

No. Notasking.

He’d sat in Nat’s chair, scowling at me from under his eyebrows, as he grilled me on my function in the company, my team, andwhat we did all day. Dude also tried to intimidate me by folding his arms across his massive chest and staring me down. Not once did he acknowledge what happened between us in New Orleans.

I didn’t either. I have my pride after all.

On Monday, during normal working hours, he met with Nat and I. He ignored me for most of the meeting by addressing the questions to Nat—in a much politer way than he had with me.

At the end of the meeting,he surprised me with the news that our departments would expand. I’d been after the owner, Mr. Williams, for over a year to allow Nat and I to hire one full-time employee each to take the workload off our already overstretched teams. He declined, saying he’d leave it up to the new owners.

Well, Royce, his grandfather orsomeoneheard our pleas. Nat and I will not only get one FTE, we will get three... each!

I couldn’t stop the smile on my face.

Royce turned his glance to me at that moment, and for a second, there was no mistaking the heat in his gaze. Then he seemed to catch a hold of himself. The fire in his eyes dimmed as his face frosted over and his broad shoulders tensed.

The dejection I felt at that moment was akin to a serrated knife sawing in my gut. I avoided looking at him after that.

Nat buzzes again with:?

Me: Royce hasn’t shown up yet.