I give her a blank stare, covering up my jealousy fueled thoughts. “I’m not looking at you in any particular way, Ms. Turner.”

She flushes and shoots me a worried glance. Looking down at her pad once more, she continues. “As you know, STS develops medical software to store patient data. My colleague Natalie Jordan heads up the production department and my team tests the software to make sure it can’t be penetrated.”


Genesis writhes beneath me. Her half-lidded eyes meet mine, locking me into place. Her pink mouth parts to release moan after moan. She rocks into the headboard, her hips flush against mine as she takes the full length of my engorged cock...

That and more images come to mind as I lose myself in her voice. I keep up the pretense of listening by peppering her with pointed questions. Two hours later, and after hearing only half of what she said, I’m convinced she knows what she is talking about. I let her go, watching as she stomps to the elevator without a wave goodbye.

I leave soon after. As I drive to the hotel, I keep Sin and her flushing face, pink lips, and the tightness of her pussy firmly out of my mind. Instead, I reflecting on the new direction of STS.

Before I’d left New York, Gramps and I agreed we should hire two new hackers, one for each team and four floating testers who would have dual roles in production and testing. Having floaters who could work both sides of the coin would speed up processing times.

I planned for STS to sign at least three new major corporations by the end of the year and the larger team could easily handle the volume. Plus, with the holidays coming up, people could spend time with their families if they worked in staggered shifts, or a few people, if there were enough volunteers, could work the holidays with extra pay.

I’ll let Sin and the production manager know of my designs on Monday.

Will Sin like the recent changes or balk at them?

It isn’t her place to disagree with me, only to implement my directives. However, if she would throw a fit at the extra responsibility...

Would you fire her?

Not sure about that, but I can guarantee she won’t like the outcome.

Back at the hotel, I order room service. While I wait, I call Tiffany to remind myself of my commitment.

And yeah, to ask her advice about Sin.

I need to get my employee off my mind. I also need to stop acting like a dick around her before she reports me to HR for harassment.

“Boo bear! I’m so glad you called! Tell me, how was your first day?”

“You sound like a mom asking after her kid’s first day at school.”

She laughs and I match it.

“It was rough, to be honest,” I say, kicking off my shoes. “I need your advice.”

“The doctor is in, you may proceed.”

“Always the smart-ass,” I deadpan. “Okay, here it goes. There is a woman working at STS. A woman whom I used to know.”

“Uh-oh. I think the doc is going to need a glass of wine for this.”

As I listen to the sounds of her getting her wine together, I continue. “I met her a couple of years ago in New Orleans when I was there for a conference. She came into the bar from the rain and...” I want to lie. To convince Tif, and myself, Sin was nothing special. I find it impossible to form the words and the truth comes spilling from my mouth as if it were waiting to spring from my tongue like a kid from a diving board. “Tif... I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.”

“What does she look like?” Tiff asks without a hint of jealousy in her tone.

It hits me how lucky I am to have Tif in my life. I can talk to her like I do Justin and get a women’s perspective to boot.

“Dark brown hair. Medium build, but tall. She’s okay in the looks department.” I didn’t want to say Sin is gorgeous. Tif is my fiancée, after all.

“Just okay, or is she smoking hot?”

“Yeah, okay. You got me. She’s smoking hot.”

Tif laughs. “So, you two did the nasty way back when?”