Through scholarships from the Grayson Foundation, Derik became a pilot. Danté is a corporate lawyer in our Legal Department, and Justin is in charge of the Human Resources Division.

Justin could have started at a mid-level job when he’d graduated from college. He didn’t want that. He began in the mailroom the day he turned sixteen.

With no help from Gramps, he worked his way up to our CPO. Dude is in charge of over two hundred thousand people, and I swear he knows the names and some tidbit of information about each of them.

Justin called just as the cab entered the road that would take me to my hotel. I bypassed a boring-ass “hello” and asked instead,“Don’t tell me you can’t do without me already?”

Justin laughed.“My Grandpa is here, so I don’t care if you ever come back.”Justin and I are only two years apart, so he sees Gramps as a grandfather as well.

I heard Gramps’s chuckle, strong yet raspy, in the background. He comes in to check on things even though he says he’s semi-retired. That’s a laugh. When I take over officially, Gramps will have his hand in the pot stirring it on the daily; however, I won’t mind. His wisdom is invaluable.

“Sure,” I responded, switching my phone to my other ear so I could look up at Austin’s Capitol Building from the taxi window. “When Gramps finds out that you’ve been padding the budget and skimming off the excess, he’ll toss your ass out onto the street.”

The driver of the cab had eyed me in the rear-view mirror. Although I wasn’t giving away corporate secrets, I needed to watch my mouth.

Justin started with a rejoinder, but I cut him off. “What do you want, anyway? I’m on my way to the hotel.”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it. You can’t tell me how you really feel. Call me when you get there. Oh, and Royce? I hope your suits are wrinkled to hell.” He hung up before I could respond.

I was still grinning a moment later as the cab pulled up under the portico of my home sweet home for the next few months. The hotel, a worldwide luxury chain, is just what I’m used to. Plush. Posh. Expensive. I may scrimp on flights, but my creature comforts are always top notch. I expect the best and I’ll settle for nothing less.

By the time I unpacked (and no, my suits weren’twrinkled) my stomach had growled. It was still raining, so I decided against braving the elements and ordered room service instead. Perusing the menu, I saw it was sufficient, but nowhere near extensive. I finally chose an open faced tuna sandwich with a green salad.

The managers at STS had already expressed an interest in showing me the sites of Austin and the surrounding Hill Country, but last night, I had no plans other than to workout and get a few names straight in my head. Justin promised to send over the information on the managers, and it was my guess that was what he’d called about.

Before I left, Gramps indicated one person at STS who had to go. The others, I would determine for myself.

There’s nothing like seeing into the heart of a person to understand what motivates them, what drives them to do their job. That’s why it’s important for me to judge people on the merits they exhibit and not go on what others say.

Performance reviews can’t tell me the truth. If I find someone not working up to speed, I’ll know firsthand.

I headed from my room to get my phone from the coffee table to call Justin back when a knock sounded at the door. The server had arrived with my lunch. I signed the bill and tip the smiling teenager who thanked me once again before he left.

I placed the tray on the coffee table by the couch, then lifted the plate onto my lap. Taking a huge bite of my sandwich, I called Justin. He hates it when I talk and eat.

That’s why I do it as often as I can.

“Carter,”he said, all gruff. He’s built like his brothers, big and burly, with skin the color of molten bronze.

I smacked as I chewed for a couple of seconds just to let him know he was in for a productive conversation.“Do you have the employee information yet?”My voice came out hollow with a slight echo.“Wait, am I on speaker?”

“Yeah, but I’m the only one in the room. No one else wants to hear how much of a pig you are, I’m sure.”

“Where did Gramps go?”

“Thomas found him in my office. They left to have what looked like a serious convo.”

“That goatfucker. He’d better not upset him.”

I guess I should have let Thomas know Gramps had given me the CEO position. That way, he’d take his wrath out on me.

Not that Thomas would dare upset Gramps. He knows better. Gramps gives as good as he gets and he’d disinherit Thomas in a flash if he were to push things too far.

I shelved my worry to the back of my mind. Gramps wouldn’t let Thomas make him sweat.

“What about the info?”I asked Justin with my mouth full.“I don’t have all day.”I swallowed what I had been chewing then bellowed out a groan of satisfaction as if my meal was better than eating pussy.

Justin muttered a few curses under his breath, something about me and a sheep, then said,“If you’d just taken the time to look, there should be a file in your secure email.”