Without warning, he leans over and shoves two fingers inside me. “You’ll know, because I’ll stop, and that will be the end of our little tryst.”

Little tryst? Damn. I’d love to see a big one.

Realization hits, leaving me more exposed than my pussy. Come morning, I’m gone, never to see him again. I’ll never know how he takes his coffee, which sock he puts on first, or what music he likes.

I’d begged for one night (and yes, it’s been a damn good one), but I can’t expect more. So, I’d better ask him what I can get away with, and fantasize about this...trystanother time...like the day after tomorrow when I’m back in Austin.

Alone in my bed.

But that is for later. I want a few answers now. Although it is damn hard to think straight with his fingers past the knuckle and breaths away from my cervix.

“Um, I know you gave me a false name. What is your real one?” I tweak my nipples as he pumps me with his fingers. The dual sensation nearly has me over the edge.

It flies away when he pauses.

Have I already crossed the line?

After a beat, he starts up again, although a little slower than before.

“Yes, I gave you a fake one. And no, I won’t tell you what the real one is.”

I let it go, reminding myself I will never see this man again. Unless...

“Are you famous?” I raise my hips to meet the three fingers he now has inside of me.

A deep chuckle tinges his answer. “No.”

“Why did you want to sleep with me?”

I’m no shrinking flower. I can hold my own in any conversation, and I recognize that I’m passably pretty. I just want to know what this man sees in me. I’m hoping… yeah, I’m hoping he will validate my belief that Matthew gave up a good life when he let me go.

His fingers retreat and he shrugs. “I was looking for someone to fuck. You seemed like a likely candidate.” Without looking at me, he puts his fingers in his mouth and sucks them clean.

Mesmerized by the sight, it’s all I can do to ask, “I... uh was easy, huh?”

He shifts his gaze off his fingers and onto me. The hardness of his expression condemns me for my undervaluation. “No, not easy, Sin. Not by any means. I’m attracted to you. I want you. You were willing. End of story.”

“What attracted you to me?”

He bats a hand away from my breast and flicks a nipple. “Fishing for compliments, are we?”

My mind screams,Yes! Oh yes.

To him, I shake my head, denting the pillow with my denial.

He chuckles again and reaches in the drawer for his endless supply of condoms. Impatient to have him inside me, I buck against him as he rolls it on. In punishment, he slaps my breasts. Pain and pleasure swirl at my core. I pant with a need so strong, it’s frightening in its intensity.

He smiles, amused at my want of him. “Patience, greedy girl.”

With the condom on tight, he pushes into me. So slowly, I feel every inch, every tug of the latex on my skin.

Inside my skin.

Deep, deep inside me.

“I liked how you handled yourself with those douches. I like your quirkiness.”

He surges forward and I gasp. “Quirk– oh.”