He looks at me as if he doesn’t believe I exist. And to him, I probably don’t. I’m sure a man like him has had plenty of women perfectly executing anything he desired.

“Have you given head before?”

I look away from the judgment in his eyes. “No. Not really.”

My voice had come out smaller than I’ve ever heard it. That’s the shame choking off my air, I suppose. It’s in my nature to be the best at whatever I do. Failing is not an option. That’s another reason what happened with Matt stung so much.

I thought I found in Matt someone who, although he wasn’t my ideal sexual partner, would have my back—through thick and thin. He stood up to his mother countless times on my behalf, and each time, I fell a little deeper in love. Then, things changed.


My botched relationship with him has led me to this fiasco. And how it hurts knowing that on the day I should be with my husband (had I gotten married) I’m using sex with a stranger to help me forget.

How low I’ve sunk.

I lift from between his legs. “Uh, I’ll just go—“

He grabs my arm. “Don’t.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry. Please stay.”

I’ve been with this man for a minute, and already I can tell he doesn’t apologize much. If ever.

And that means something in my book.

He pulls me so that my back is to his front. His cock, a lot softer than when we started, rests on one full ass cheek and partially on the other.

“You weren’t a virgin, right?” he asks in that slow talking way of his. I can detect a light Northern accent, but his cadence is as Southern as any I have ever heard.

“You’re teasing me, correct?”

His laugh gives me warm fuzzies. They grow stronger as he lays a hand on my hip, and nestles his nose in my hair. I feel his muscled chest move against my back with each breath.

“I don’t know,” he murmurs. “You tell me.”

“No, I wasn’t a virgin,” I say, playing along.

“I didn’t think so.” His hand tightens on my leg. “Uh, you told me earlier that you’ve been with three guys. One of them was a long-term relationship, right?”

I answer in the affirmative, amazed he remembered what I’d said.

“Then how is it you don’t know how to suck a guy off?”


Even his crassness is a turn on.

I wiggle my ass, embarrassed to admit that my ex is the only one I’d tried my piss-poor skills on. At my age, I should practically be a pro.

He lets out a low rumble that makes the hair on my neck stand up. “Stop tempting me, Sin, and answer the question.”

Sin? Great. Already he has me mixed up with someone else.

“My name isGenesis. Not Sin,“ I snap, my tone sourer than lemon juice.

His hand snakes under my arm to pinch my right nipple. I let out a yelp. My pussy pulses in response.

As he talks, he massages the bud to take away the sting. “I know what your name is.” He inhales, then lets out a ragged breath as if he’s trying to regain control of himself. “I know what you are. Iseeyou. You’re fucking sin incarnate.”

I lay silent. Even my breathing stops.