I don’t answer. Instead, I open my mouth and latch onto her neck like a barnacle on a ship. I use my tongue and teeth to lick and suck the sweetness from her skin. She writhes beneath me, pressing on my shoulders and moaning. The sounds she makes, full of pain and lust, spur me on. I delve deeper, knowing she’ll have to use a ton of makeup to hide my damage. My cock bobs at the thought, leaking pre cum onto her thong.

As I come up for air, I say, “You’d better not have used up all my shit.” I scowl, giving her my most intimidating glare.

It’s not like I really care about a fifty cent bar of soap. I could buy a million of those per day and never run out of money. I just want to see if she will run for the hills before Ireallyget started.

She laughs, surprising me yet again. “Yeah? And what if I did?”

“You know what I do with women who use my shit?”

She twists her lips to the ceiling like she’s thinking hard. After a moment, she says, “Don’t know and don’t care.”

Sassy to the last drop. It’s going to be fun breaking her.

In one movement, I roll from her, sit up, and flip her over. Straddling her thighs, I rip the thong from her ass. She tries to turn like she wants to face me.

I’m not having that shit.

I clamp down and ride her wild ride. After a few moments, I let her think she has a chance when I ease up for a second. She surprises me by almost bucking me from her.

“You’re stronger than you look. I’ll have to watch out for you.”

“That’s right, dude. I take no prisoners.”

I make out her muffled words even though I have a hand pressing on the side of her face and part of her mouth buried into the pillow

“You don’t quit, do you?” I slap her ass. My palm print glows red, then disappears. I normally don’t do spankings, just a quick flick of the wrist now and then. However, her groan has my cock bobbing and weaving like a fighter in the ring…

We have all night.

Too right.

I need to pace things out, not go too fast. Hard not to as she once again bucks and heaves, trying to dethrone me.

Silly woman.

She’ll soon learn there’s no removingthisking.

I lift my hand from her head and use both of them to grab her ass. I knead her flesh like stubborn dough, liking the fact that she has enough cushion to brace me, should I choose to take her from behind.

I have given little thought to how we’ll fuck. Only that we will. How much she can take before I break her will determine for how long. The way she handled herself in the bar, feisty and fearless, I’m thinking an all-nighter is in the works.

I hope she doesn’t disappoint.

With that thought, I travel a hand over her cheek, down her crack and stop at her soaking slit.

She freezes, shoulders bunching. A second later, she spreads her legs wide to give me plenty of room to work with.

With a thumb circling her asshole, I rub the tip of my swollen head along her lips, paving the way with her juices as my cock grows harder under my hand.

“You’ve got me so ready,” I murmur.

“Then what are you waiting for?” comes her sassy reply.

“I’ll make you eat those words.”

“Yeah, right—“

I press two fingers against her clit and my thumb against her hole.