I drop to the floor and do a set of rapid-fire push-ups. I want my biceps bulging and my veins popping. I’m about to do another round when the water turns off and the humming stops. Just as the door opens, I dive under the covers as if I’d been there all along.

Switching on the bedside lamp, I find her eyeing me with an amused grin dancing on her lips. “You’re breathing hard, Sam. Did you start without me?”

Genesis stands in the doorway, clothed only in her bra and panties with her t-shirt and jeans folded under an arm.

And I’m so glad they no longer cover her body.

I wouldn’t mind seeing that view all day, every day...

And just like that, Little Miss Quirky hasmerethinkingmylife’s choices.

Life Choices


Ilikepetitewomen.Or thought I did. There’s something highly erotic about a woman much smaller than me, riding my dick like she’s going for broke. Women that size make me feel bigger. Stronger. Less like the kid my father beat down.

But Genesis...

Nothing about her is petite. Except for her arms, Genesis has more flesh on her abs and thighs than the women I normally bed. Same goes for that ass. That plump as fuck ass with the red string of her thong nestled between her cheeks.

I like it. My cock likes it too, judging by how the fucker grows.

I lean back further into the pillows and place one arm above my head and the other I let hang so that my hand rests on my thigh, right where my dick pokes from beneath the bottom of my tanks.

Her eyes linger on my bicep, then travel ever so slowly to the bulge under the covers. Her mouth puckers into a scintillating “O”.

“Genesis,” I drawl. “I haven’t done anything... yet.”

Licking her lips, she nods.

My gaze remains on her as she places her clothes on the chair and walks to the bed. She runs her hands over the covers, smoothing them. She then folds them back, hops under the sheets, and pulls the cover up so only her eyes and the top of her forehead shows.

I smile and shake my head. She’s such a damn contradiction—so many things rolled into one. Woman has a body made for sin, a fearless attitude like a man, and she has no problem acting like a little kid. I can’t figure her out and I’m shocked that I even want to.

But Ican’t.

Genesis is strictly a one-nighter. She, with her cavalier clothing and weird hairdo, wouldn’t fit into my world. With us, there will be no do-overs,see you tomorrows, orlet me get your digits.

And since time’s a-wastin’, I get down to it.

I rip the sheet from her hands and cover her with my body. Surging between her thighs, I cage her in my arms. Her hair, still in that crazy, weird style, hits the back of the headboard.

She dances her hands from my shoulders to the back of my head to thread her fingers through my hair. Each strand she touches is like a thread pulling at my dick, making it harder than it’s ever been. I don’t want a repeat of our teeth clashing like swords, so I slow things down by cupping the side of her head with my right hand while I run my left down her side.

And yes, her skin is as soft as I’d hoped.

I lower my head, hovering my lips above hers. At the breath I expel into her open mouth, she closes her eyes...

Our kiss is soft. Our kiss is sweet. Our kiss is perfect.

I want more of her. Too much more.

Not allowing myself to give into my cravings, I dip my nose to her neck, breathing in her scent. She smells like the hotel’s soap, light and fruity.

“What did you do in the bathroom? Wash up?”

She grinds her clothed mound against my rock hard dick. “Why do you care?”