“Hey, Nat.”

“You don’t sound like you’re crying into your Cheerios. Did you and Royce make up?”

Royce stops grumbling at the TV long enough to ask, “Who is that? Natalie?”I nod.

“He’s there?” Nat shouts, and I hear Tyler in the background asking, “Who, Mommy? Who, Mommy?” on a loop.

“Aunt Gen’s special friend. Now, play your game, sweetie. Mommy will be there in a minute.”

My special friend, huh? Wait till I tell her he called me his girlfriend.

While Royce and I were out, I didn’t bring up the subject of his particular word for me, and neither did he. I’m hoping that he meant it for real and it wasn’t a slip of the tongue.

“Hold on, Nat.”

I tell Royce I’m going to my bedroom to finish the call. He jerks his chin and grins like a wolf, making me all sorts of hot and bothered. My skin tingles and I have to duck walk to my room. Once there, I click Nat over from mute.

“Nat, I have so much to tell you!” I squeal.

Why do we women always get so damn excited when we think things will work out with the man we... yeah, with the man we love?

“Tell me everything, girl. And don’t leave out a word he said.”

So, I begin.

I tell her about our conversation last night and how Royce woke me at crack-o-butt-thirty, knocking on my door. Without too many questions from her, I continue on with his apology and how Melinda turned out to be a backstabbing wench.

“Melinda!” Nat shout-whispers, trying not to draw Tyler’s attention.

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either.”

“Well, the heffa always was kinda offrosty. Remember when we first started at STS? When we would invite her ass to lunch, only to have her constantly make up excuses not to go.”

Yeah, Nat is right. Other than laughing at my line of “take me to your leader” Melinda wasn’t on team #GEnNaT.

“I’d forgotten she’d done that.”

“Well, I haven’t,” Nat huffs. “I’m tempted to take a plug outta her behind before your man boots her out on the street. What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall during that meeting!”

“Speaking of my man... Royce called me his girlfriend.”

I hold the phone away from my ear just in time to avoid Nat’s ear-splitting howl of joy.

“Mommy, you sound like a dog from the Internet,” Tyler exclaims.

“Hush, before I...tickleyou.”

I’m assuming Nat does as I hear nothing but Tyler laughing in that cute baby way of his.

I can’t help but join in. There is something about a child laughing that can chase all sorts of blues away.

Not that I have them now.

Nope. Not at all.

“What’s so funny in here?” Royce stands just inside my door, filling it completely.

The sight has me practicallysalivating.