Her lips quirk up for a second before she presses them into a thin line. “Well... I’m not stopping you. Still, I can’t believe... Melinda? Wow, I wouldn’t have thought her capable of such underhandedness at all.”

I shrug. I’ve had some pretty shady shit done to me. And yeah, I’ve never hesitated to return the favor. I’m jaded by how people’s actions no longer surprise me. Especially where jealousy is involved.

Sin comes a few steps nearer. She’s almost to the coffee table. “And Luke, Luke Dukate? Has he done anything?”

I lean forward. “Why do you ask that?”

“He’s friends with Greg Sumpter.” She gives me a look like I should know this.

“I haven’t checked him out, but I will, if he is a problem.”

Her eyes slide to the right, then come back to mine. “No... no. He’s not. Not really.”

“Sin...” I say, knowing she isn’t being entirely truthful.

She moves closer. Lacing her hands together, she absentmindedly bounces them once off her lower stomach, right above her pussy. “If he becomes one, I’ll let you know.”

My dick is going to become a problem if she does that again.

I have so much to get through, I can’t be thinking about her intimate bits I want to get my mouth on. But damn it. I can only take so much.

She’s here. Not over four feet away. Those hours when I was sure I’d lost her hurt so damn bad, I barely functioned. That time was way worse than any injury my father ever inflicted.

“Sin, won’t you sit down?” I pat the couch beside me. To my surprise, after a few seconds of hesitation, she sits, but further away than I would like.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m sitting over here to spare you. My breath would kill a horse.”

I repress a smile. “Why don’t you get yourself together and we’ll go out for breakfast, we can continue our conversation at the restaurant.”Leaving the apartment will keep me from jumping on you, stank breath or not.

She tilts her head, thinking over my proposal. With a nod she says, “Okay, but I want pancakes and excellent coffee and maybe even some eggs.” She stands, stretching, her top pulls up and I see the smooth expanse of her stomach. My mouth itches and my fingers beg to grope her flesh, going lower and lower until—

Her movement away from me grabs my attention, cutting off my salacious thoughts. “It won’t take me long to get ready, I promise,” Sin says over her shoulder.

I watch her until she closes the bathroom door, heartily wishing that my last miracle was complete so that I could join her.

I'm Not Asking. I'm Telling


Myshowerhelpedreviveme and put me more on equal footing with Royce and his exuberance. As I eat my breakfast of buttermilk pancakes, bacon and two fried eggs, I’m boosted up even more by the fuel of food.

“So,” Royce says, putting down his coffee cup. “You’ve seen the pictures. What questions do you have for me? Ask me anything.”

While Royce had driven us to the closest IHOP, I used his phone to go over the evidence Melinda sent him.

To me, the pictures and videos were innocent, but I saw why Royce wouldn’t think so. The first video was especially damning. It looked like I was trying to put the moves on Thomas by inviting him over to my place right after I had just met him.

The truth was, I asked him to come over because I felt bad for the guy. Who wouldn’t after receiving a devastating call like that?

Which now leads me to bring up a burning question. Why hadn’t Royce called me, if not first, then soon after he’d talked to Thomas? Given that he received the first video onlyafterwe had exited the conference room, why wasn’t I on his mind?

I don’t want to be insensitive, but if I don’t know his reasoning, I’ll be forever wondering.

“Why didn’t you call me about your grandfather?”

“I called Thomas first because I didn’t want him to find out about Gramps from anyone but me. He loves Gramps, just like I do. I was about to call you when the doctor came in again to tell us what was wrong with Gramps. By the time I got around to where I could talk, I received the video.”

That’s plausible enough. After having seen the footage, I can understand his anger. I want to ask him why he didn’t just reach out, but I’m selfishly saving that for later. I want to enjoy my pancakes and I won’t be able to do so if I don’t buy his answer.