Ah, who am I kidding? I shamelessly put my ear to the thin wood and listen to them hash things out.

“Why did you come all this way, Tiffany? To end things in person?”

“No. Not to end things. I want to begin again.”

Thomas scoffs. “As I remember, our beginning consisted of you telling me off.”

I can hear her smile through the door. “Only because you were being an ass.”

His voice turns soft. “Maybe, but I’m not the one at fault this time.”

“I own what I did to you,” Tif says. “And trust me when I say, I’m sorry beyond measure. You don’t know how sorry.” Her voice cracks as she continues. “I should have asked you what was going on, but I was so hurt. I thought... I thought you had had enough of me and my... problem—“

Thomas cuts in, responding in the snarling voice he’s used on me many, many a time. “Tif, I’ve told you... hell, I’veshownyou that sex doesn’t mean shit to me if I can’t have it with you. I’m willing to wait until you’re ready, no matter how long that takes.”

“I know. You’ve said so, andyou haveshown me. It’s just so hard to believe that a man like you could put his needs aside for me.”

In the next second, a squeal pierces the air like a shot.

I’m about to open the door to rush to Tif’s defense when she says, “Put me down, Thomas.” She then giggles like she’s five.

I puff out a breath and relax.

“No,” Thomas says, his voice low and deep. “Not until you say you believe me.”

She lets out another shrill giggle before giving her acquiescence. “Okay, okay. I promise to believe you.”





A minute plus ticks by. I press my ear hard against the door, but I can’t hear anything. Burning curiosity prompts me to open the barrier on a crack, just to see what they are doing.

A wide grin splits my face.

Tom-Tom has Tif locked in a tight embrace, deep in the middle of what seems to be a serious first kiss.

After another wistful glance, I close the door and head to the bathroom, my spirits brightening with every step.

And why shouldn’t they?

I have a chance with Sin. If Thomas and Tiffany can overcome their obstacles, we can too.

Forty-minutes later, showered and groomed, my breath fresh and minty, I’m at Sin’s door. The plan is to knock until she responds, and when she does, I’m going to have her listen to me.

How I’ll get her to do just that, I’m not sure.


Her voice pulls me in, drowning me slowly like I’m a metal spoon in a jar of peanut butter left out in the sun. The chain pulls back and my heart leaps in my throat...

Only to crash and burn as she says through the tiny space, “Go away, Royce. I don’t want to see you.” Her angry face is the last I see of her before she slams the door in my face.

Breaking Point