Thomas looks up at the ceiling, blinking. “I know. It’s just he’s never been ill… and now that I’m not there…” He hangs his head.

“Will you go back to New York?”

He lifts his gaze, and to me, his eyes rove her body from head to toe. “No, Royce has promised to keep me updated on Gramps’s condition, and since it doesn’t seem to be serious, I’ll go back when I’m done here.” He lets out a chuckle and Sin smiles. I can’t be sure, but it looks like her secret smile, the one I thought she only gave to me. “I guess it’s in my best interest to learn all I can about the company since it will play a major role in the Grayson Groups’ portfolio.”

“Do you think his grandfather will disinherit him if he chooses me?”

Thomas shrugs.

Sin moves in closer like a spider getting ready to sink her fangs into her next meal. “Why don’t you come to my apartment for dinner tonight. You shouldn’t be alone.”

Thomas smiles down at her, tearing my heart in a thousand pieces as she returns it. “I’d like that Genesis. I really would.”

The video ends.

Besides the clip, I’ve received pictures of the two of them—one or two every few days. I’m not sure who’s sending them. They’ve covered their tracks pretty well. Still, it’s only a matter of time before I find out. And when I do, I’ll thank them for waking me from the stupor Sin has put me under.

The first pic is of Thomas and Sin walking up to her apartment, grocery bags in hand.

Most of them are of the same scenarios: headed up to her apartment, going into the hotel where Thomas is staying, and a security photo of her drivingmyrental while Thomas sits in the passenger seat, hanging his damn arm out the window.

Those are hurtful, but the last two kill me. I force myself to look at them as a reminder of what a fool I’ve been.

The pictures were taken on the same day. Have to be because they are wearing the same clothes.

The first one is of Thomas, his ass parked on the edge of her cubicle desk, a smug smile on his lips and Sin looking up at him from her chair. She’s wearing a damn dress, something I’d never seen her in, and full makeup. She looked so damn delicious. I had a hard time tearing my eyes off her.

Eventually, I did. And damn, was I sorry to view the next pic.

Taken only three days ago, it still causes a boiling rage to come over me.

Even now.

Sin and Cousin Douche are at a restaurant. The pic, taken from the outside looking in, shows Sin wearing the same dress, a beautiful green one. The kicker is that she isfeedingThomas. Her fork lifts in the air with a slab of lasagna speared in its tines. Thomas leans forward, his maw opens wide…

I can’tstoplooking at it.

I know I’m only torturing myself by doing so. It just can’t be helped. It’s like looking at the unidentifiable mess on the highway, wondering if it’s an animal or a shoe.

Either way, Sin is as lost to me now as she was two years ago when she left my hotel room in the dead of night. She didn’t want me then, and she doesn’t want me now.

I tried to get a perspective on things by sharing the video with Tiffany on the day I received it.

She was as shocked and appalled as I was.

We’ve gone over the pictures as well. I send them to Tiffany straight away after I receive them from the anonymous source. She’s helped me get through the pain of betrayal I feel by being just as outraged as I am.

Tif validates my feelings. It’s just a damn shame that I haven’t been there for her as much as she has been there for me. When we talk, I keep failing to ask Tif about how things are going with her mystery man. We get so caught up in Sin and Thomas and how they have betrayed me, we fill our conversations with little else.

Once I settle things with Sin, I’ll make it a point to be more there for Tif.

If only I didn’t find it so hardtosettle things.

I know I need to let Sin go, and I’m trying every damn day. Only in times of utter weakness during these last three weeks have I reached out to Sin, hoping she would have the decency to tell me about her and Thomas, but the only responses I’ve received are consistent with a woman who has secretly moved on.

Me: How are you doing?

Her: Work is going great. We just hired the last new member of our team.