With those words, the residual guilt I’ve carried around over hurting her disappears, and my heart grows fuller of the love I feel for her.

“How did you leave things with your Gramps?” Sin asks, snuggling against the pillow she told me she is pretending is me.

“I told him I needed to talk to Tif, that’s the woman he wants me to marry. We’ll see each other tomorrow evening. Once I tell her…” I trail off, wondering how that is going to go.

“Do you think she will object?” Sin doesn’t look at me. She plucks at the pillow as she waits for my answer.

“I seriously doubt it. We are friends, nothing more.”

“You…you haven’t kissed her or anything have you?”

It’s not my place to tell Sin that Tif doesn’t like sex, so I deflect her off the subject by saying, “She’s not attracted to me. She thinks I’m a dick.”

Sin giggles. “Well, I can vouch for that! Seriously, though, why would she marry you if she thought that?”

“I believe she was strong-armed into getting married by her father the same way Gramps did me.” Tif did say her father had done a mini-shuffle when she told him she’d signed the prenup— all of which is null and void if the marriage doesn’t take place.

Not that I could pay any kind of penalty after Gramps gets through with me.

“Royce,” Sin says, her expression hidden by the bulk of the pillow, “do you really think you should act so hastily? Giving up your lifestyle, the Grayson Group...the Foundation, for me?”

“None of that matters, if I can’t have you.”

I was damn slow to realize that Sin has become the most important person in my life. I almost lost her by assing-around, denying my feelings over and over by telling her lies as well as myself. I was afraid that I would lose control if I let her in. Only thing is, I alreadyhad. From the moment I saw her in that bar, she had a hold of me, and she never let go.

Granted, I’ll always love Gramps. No doubt. But Sin and the offspring I’m sure we will have (either through adoption, on our own, or a combination of both), will always come first from now on.

“Sin, I know I love you. That I can say with certainty. But I can’t predict the future, no one can. I just know I want you in mine.”

I see only half of her pleased grin before she says, “How is it possible that you’ve never fallen in love with your blondes?”

“I wasn’t interested in getting to know them like I want to know you.”

“You must have had some fantastic sex with them. I can’t be the only one,” she presses.

I let her questions play out even though I know where this will lead me...lead us to. Another fucking disclosure. It’s not like I want to hide the fact that I’ve only slept with prostitutes. I just don’t want to hash it out tonight.

“Yes, I’ve had great sex before. Same as you’ve had with Matt, I’m sure. Sex with you is different, at least it is for me.”

“Why is that?”

I sigh.Might as well get it over with.“Because I don’t have to pay for it.”

Nitty Gritty


“BecauseIdon’thaveto pay for it,”Royce says with a shrug of his massive shoulders.

What the incredible fuck? I must not have heard him correctly.

Deep down, I know I did. Still, I ask for clarification. “Are you joking, Royce, or are you being serious that you pay for sex?” My half smile disappears under his dark glower.

“Sin, I never joke about sex. And slate my paying for sex into the past. I have you now.”

As much as his last sentence should thrill me (I guess), I’m stunned into silence.

Royce is hotter than a thousand suns, richer than Solomon, and can bring a woman to orgasm with the snap of his fingers. Why in the hell would he need to pay for it?