Page 33 of Captured

Locking my hands around his neck, I pressed back into him, seeking with my tongue. I did not pull away until I was breathless and dizzy, and even then I wished that the moment did not have to end. But we could not stay here forever.

“Torgus is waiting for us. We have to hurry.”

Malik shook his head in wonder. Only then did I look past him to take in the gruesome sight of the cockpit past his shoulder.

“I was trying to figure out how this damned thing worked. But I suppose it was Torgus who killed that engine before I could even get it started. Remind me to thank him for that later,” he remarked dryly.

“You two can bicker as much as you want when we get back to the Vaclanheim,” I assured him. “But first, you better take me back to your cabin for a proper reunion.”

I laced my fingers through his, turning to go, but he hesitated a moment longer. Something passed across his face. Sadness, maybe. And then it was gone, and he was walking beside me, stumbling and weaving, but doing his best to keep up.

“Do you need me to slow down?”

“No. I’ll be fine. Just need some rest. And food.”

Thankfully, the way back to Torgus and the ship was short, because each time I looked up at Malik, I saw he had grown paler. He drew his lips back in a defiant sneer as he fought to keep himself upright.

As we passed through the last door into the airlock, Torgus straightened himself, rushing forward to catch Malik before he could collapse. I watched anxiously as the two brothers leaned on one another, shoulder to shoulder, trudging the last few feet into the airlock. The hiss of air came and went, and then they both dropped through the hatch, taking their places.

I examined my options with a slight smirk.

“What? You’re too shy to sit in my lap now?” Malik asked, giving me a weak smile through hazy eyes.

It was only then that I realized Torgus hadn’t expected this mission to be a success. Otherwise, he would’ve taken a ship with enough seats for the return trip. Had he planned on dying with his brother? I couldn’t tell just by looking at him. And it didn’t matter, because I had succeeded. I had what I came for.

Gingerly, I lowered myself down into Malik’s lap, tucking myself up against his chest and resting my head in the hollow of his neck. His good hand encircled my waist, pressing into me with the same insistent possessiveness, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Take us home,” I breathed.

Torgus reached up and closed the hatch, sealing it tight around us before disconnecting the security device and cutting us loose from the Sovann’ash ship. The sound of Malik’s haggard breathing filled my ears as I closed my eyes, savoring his warmth.



I pressedmy nose into Cosma’s hair, savoring her essence. Somehow, this scent had come to represent peace for me. It seemed strange given how difficult I found her to be around, how she got under my skin. But now I recognized that feeling for what it was all along. It was the first sign of warmth returning to my life. She was a living, breathing embodiment of purpose, and she needled her way into my life with every cocky remark and argument.

Now, I wouldn’t give her up for anything at all. Never again. I wouldn’t make the mistake of letting her go again. She’d come for me, even after my foolishness. And on the long ride back, she did nothing but whisper her love into my ear, telling me over and over how glad she was that I was alive.

When I took her back to my cabin, I intended to give her the proper reunion she was looking for, but first, I had to clear my head. We walked down the hall together; me leaning on her heavily, and her face set with determination. Torgus had offered to help, but Cosma waved him away. I looked over at her, wishing I could have scooped her up and carried her in my arms like the gallant gentleman she truly deserved. And yet, when she looked up at me, she gave me a soft smile and I knew she accepted me as I was.

“What’s on your mind?” She asked as we ambled along.

I shrugged, unsure of where to begin. There were so many things to say, but somehow I couldn’t find the right words. At last, I opened my mouth, and the only cohesive thought I had came tumbling out.

“I think I love you.”

She gave a short laugh that sounded more like a cough, her thin smile breaking into that familiar cocky smile.

“I know you love me,” she answered, squeezing me closer to her. “And… I think I love you, too.”

I cocked an eyebrow at her. “You think? What would make you certain?”

She laughed, twisting against me to stop us both in front of my cabin door, and reaching up on her tiptoes to give me a light kiss on the lips.

“Mm. I’ve decided. I do love you.”

Planting my good hand on the doorframe, I pressed her body against the door, covering her lips with mine. It was an intoxicating feeling, every inch of her pressed against me, in full view of anyone who might wander by. Or maybe that was the blood loss reminding me I should definitely lay down. Either way, I was lost to the heady sensation of having her once more, and as the tiniest sigh passed over her lips, I felt my cock growing hard, sending another wave of dizziness spinning through me.