Page 50 of Rescued



“What do you think?” I asked a bit pensively as we stood in the double doorway of the room.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

I could tell she was still in shock. After making love to her aboard theGreedy She-Devil, Nikathy had brought us alongside the newly namedDestiny. The name just seemed to fit in the moment, and he had already commissioned a crew to repaint her with her new moniker at Kychek.

TheGreedy She-Devilsat parked down below decks, a place of honor that I was sure to revisit time and again. But for Caimbrie and I, life would begin anew aboard this glorious new ship.

There was already a grand suite for the commander of the ship, as well as several spacious rooms for officers. Here, we would have everything we ever needed.

“How did you do it?” she asked tentatively, running her hand along the bedding and peering out the enormous windows that showcased the shifting stars beyond.

“It took a little planning, but it wasn’t so hard,” I said, unwilling to go into the details.

“And what happens when they come after you?”

“They’ll get a taste of their own medicine,” I answered seriously.

I was prepared to fight the Patrol now more than ever. At least now we were on even ground. Before, they had always outgunned me, and it was only my cunning that got me through. But withDestinyunder our control, if they wanted a fight, they were going to get one.

There was a look of deep concern in her eyes, but I wanted to put her at ease. I didn’t want her to live in fear now that I finally had her back, and I didn’t want her to think that I was going to abandon her to go running into battle. Whatever fights I had left before me, they would all be fought with her blessing. That was something I was committed to.

“There’s more,” I said quietly, trying to rouse her out of the worried glance she cast my way.

“What is it?”

“I want you to be my advisor. Not just in private, but on the bridge.” She gave me a stunned look and her jaw dropped open, but I could tell the notion pleased her even if she didn’t immediately accept. I rushed on before she could answer. “I saw you working the bridge beside Nikathy and I realized how stupid I had been. I had underestimated you in so many ways, and I never want to make that mistake again. Caimbrie, I want you at the helm with me. That is, if you don’t mind working alongside a washed-up criminal.”

I took her hand in mine and looked down into her eyes. This was a proposal, of sorts. It was like marriage, but the stakes were higher, and she had to know that.

“Yes,” she whispered, smiling brightly. “I want to go anywhere in the universe with you, Herod. I want to explore everywhere you’ve been, and I want to discover new places with you.”

I was so thrilled, I swept her up in an enormous hug and crushed her to my body, kissing her hard. She was mine, and I was hers.

“Now, as my first act as advisor, I’d like to suggest a few changes.”

I furrowed my brow, thinking she was joking, but she stood back and planted her hands on her hips and I knew she meant business. Was it too soon to wonder if I’d made a big mistake?

“First of all, there will be no more moving weapons. I’m putting my foot down right now.”

My jaw fell open in surprise. Who did she think she was? I had made her advisor, not captain of the ship! But she wasn’t budging.

“Moving guns is a small man’s game. You can’t get to the top of the ladder that way. But I have something that could get us there.”

She said it with a wink, and I felt the color returning to my face. “What are you thinking?”

“While I was aboard the Patrol’s research vessel, I did a lot of reading up on fuel cells. I learned a few things during that time. Things that would have been very useful to the Patrol. But I didn’t want to help them, so I played dumb. Did you know that there are untold tons of fuel easily accessible, and they never took advantage of it? It was right under their noses!” She laughed aloud, obviously pleased with herself. “Anyway, if they knew about this fuel, they would not be facing such shortages today, and we would not have been able to take over two ships in just a few days. So it is very important that they not find out the details. However, we could begin moving fuel immediately aboard theDestiny. We can store it and use it as necessary to supply our own ships, but we can also trade it to our allies. I will have to teach them how to use it properly, how to unleash its potential, but that shouldn’t be hard. I think I already have a plan.”

“Actually,” I interrupted. “I think we have Nikathy to blame for their shortage. He’s been buying up all the fuel he can get his hands on. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to know that you and he have the same idea.”

She was chatting away excitedly as she explained her fuel source and her plan. All I could do was nod along in a stupor. She already knew how to distribute the fuel and put it to good use. If all of this was true, we might well be on our way to a revolution that could really overthrow the Patrol for good.

“So, Herod, are you ready for the big leagues?” she asked at last, bouncing on her toes eagerly as her explanation drew to its conclusion.