Page 47 of Wolf Domination

"I apologize for the intrusion,” Klaus began as he formally bowed. “I had no intention of working today but was summoned on special request due to the current event unfolding within the city, sir.”

“Who’s coming to visit me, Klaus?” I got to the point as I briefly gripped Willow’s shoulders. I’d never magically induced deep sleep on anyone unless my actions ensured the person’s survival, which was why the flow of my own protective force eased into Willow’s limbs.

She’d been relaxed before, but whatever lingering tension in her body trickled away as she further eased into her resting position. It would undo itself the moment I laid her onto a flat surface, but I’d have to make do with these precautions.

If someone from the Coven was visiting, I wasn’t going to let them have sight of Willow.

I was positive none of my Coven—or pureblood kind in general—would ever betray me for the actions of my pack, but you never quite knew if another paranormal race on the hierarchy secretly held an advantage that was appealing enough to a pureblood.

To simply put it, you can never be too careful. Just like you can’t trust everyone.

"Always to the point."

My entire body froze at the single voice. Every limb remained rigid as though our life depended on it, while my mind questioned if I was hallucinating or had fallen asleep at the kitchen island and simply needed to wake myself up from this unexpected dream.

“Leave us, Klaus. I will not take long nor lay harm on your Coven’s Heir. I swear upon my husband’s grave.”

"Understood,” Klaus declared. “I will be but a step away. Do not hesitate to summon my presence at any point, Sir Moore.”

I couldn’t speak, so I simply bobbed my head, hoping it would be enough. His presence was gone in a single step, which left me to face this confrontation that I’d never thought would transpire.

Not in a million years.

"I won’t waste your time like other superiors enjoy doing when things get messy in the paranormal realm. Before you ask, I took it upon myself to come here of my own accord rather than wait for one of those elderly douches to come and question your motives for allowing one of your pack members to tip the balance in the world,” she said in one breath. “Especially on Christmas Day. You know the humans can’t function when calamities occur on their favorite holidays.”

With a final grip on Willow’s shoulders for support, I turned right around to face the new person of interest, and once again, I was lost for words.

“This wasn’t the reunion I expected it to be, but alas, the world never runs its course,” she stated as her pink eyes softened and the long strands of white hung gracefully against her oval face. “I’m glad after all these years, you’ve managed to survive in a world that never wished for you to prevail.”

The tightness in my throat made the lump forming there even more noticeable while I fought every strand of emotion to keep from igniting pools of water that were forming in my eyes.

How many years had it been since her disappearance? All that mourning and agony I endured, only to be struck with the truth…finally.


The single word was all that left me as I stared back at her in disbelief.


So many fucking years since I’d last laid eyes on her delicate frame. Despite the road I decided to walk upon after Father’s death, deep within I hoped Mother wouldn’t be disappointed.

That she wouldn’t shed tears at the fact that I went down the same path as Father.

"Dimitris. My son.” She took just a step to now stand before me, and despite her heels, I still was taller than her.

My height did nothing to diminish the true confrontation. Anyone on the outside would see just how powerful Mother was in comparison to me.

There were so many questions—the main one being when did she gather enough power to have a play in the Coven—but I couldn’t get any words out to confront the woman who gave birth to me.

The woman who told me I’d one day find my Everlasting.

She reached out and lightly pressed her hand against my cheek. The touch reminded me of the nights when I’d wake up with terrors and there she’d be in the shadows of our room, ready to place her hand upon my cheek and wipe away the drops that streamed helplessly down.

When she moved her thumb along that very spot, I opened my eyes that I hadn’t even grasped had closed shut in this moment.

The sight of her was slightly blurry, but my obvious glimpse of emotion did nothing to dim the immense pride she carried in her eyes.

“You’ve become a fine Alpha, my son.”