Page 2 of Wolf Domination

I didn’t want to admit it, that the fierce woman who’d gone through everything from being awakened into our world to becoming endangered and outcasted never got to reach the finish line.

That she was dead…

My brain wouldn’t be able to fathom that reality, and neither would my heart, body, and soul. Nothing would allow me to accept that Death had finally taken such a beautiful soul from us when we needed her the most.

He wouldn’t betray me like that.

Yet, there was only so much even Death could uphold, for the choice of death would fall into the hands of the individual. It was now Willow’s choice to ascend or remain, and that was the most frightening part, for I didn’t have enough confidence that the love we provided was enough to encourage her to remain in the land of the living.

Have we loved her enough that she’s willing to keep her roots upon this land?

I avoided looking to my right, my eyes still remaining on the pale body in Loki’s grasp, but in this form of purity, Loki wasn’t going to delay the inevitable.


The depth of his voice alone reminded me of a god. It boomed with so much power and yet it was tender, like it could ignite a whole new world and flood it with life.

The single statement of Sweet Flower’s name invited a grace of wind that came from my right side, and I knew what that represented without having to think about it. For a second, I could catch a strong whiff of cherry blossoms and other floral attributes that simply reminded me of Willow.

I knew her spirit was next to us.

Loki looked to his left side, but I still couldn’t move my gaze. I struggled with the idea of confronting her very soul, for what could I do or say to make her want to remain here?

I can’t possibly watch her leave…witness her leave me…

“You have to come back, Sweets,”Loki quietly reasoned as he gestured to her body with a slight movement of his head. I bet this was harder for him than he was letting on.

Unlike me, who regularly entered this form to maintain demonic wrath, he must have not tampered with this godly side of his for months, if not years. It would make sense as to why the Vile Queen sought to keep him captive like a dog.

He could be the ultimate wild card in our deck of forbidden power.

Silence descended upon us, but thanks to the bond that brewed between Willow and me, I could actually still sense her emotions—even if her physical body wasn’t breathing. Her confliction was obvious, for there was a sense of yearning.

She could probably feel the weightlessness that death delivered. The beauty of being embraced by peacefulness while the worries we carried within this world filtered away like butterflies being let go in a vast field to explore and be free.

Did I want to be free?

The thought filtered through me, and I knew it was from Willow. It was the ultimate debate she was surely pondering as she embraced the freedom she now had in her grasp by becoming nothing buta spirit.

No more burdens or feelings.

She was experiencing firsthand what it was like to not have anything holding her back from acquiring what she’d yearned for:to be gone…dead…forgotten.

“Sweet Flower.”

One of many nicknames left my lips as I had no choice but to turn my attention her way. For a moment, I could see nothing, but my eyes wouldn’t allow me to dismiss the powerful soul that floated in that very spot, which was why they further intensified with darkness to alter my vision so I could see the afterlife.

So I could see my Willow.

There she was in a few blinks, looking so different than the body that lay in Loki’s grasp. Her curiosity was written all over her expression as those twinkling eyes of pink took me in.

I was sure I was unrecognizable in this new appearance, and yet she didn’t hesitate to float over to my side as she continued to admire me from head to toe. It was a good distraction, but I had to reel her back to the task at hand.

To what was most important now that her body’s clock was ticking.

“I need you back here.”

I wished my voice wasn’t so monotone, for my heart begged to aid me in expressing some sort of emotion so she’d understand how badly we needed her to return. She couldn’t depart and leave us behind. But I just wasn’t capable of doing it.