Page 210 of Wolf Domination

"I’m the Queen’s true weapon,” I purred. “None of you can stop me.”

"We’ll see about that,” Milo answered, which made me frown before I felt the irritating desire to destroy that flawless face of his, but my eyes began to droop, just like my knees that suddenly buckled.

He already had me in my grasp, and he lowered me to the floor as I fought whatever blanket of sanity that was trying to cloak me.

“Better…think of a name for me, too.” I didn’t know what I was saying as I giggled and tried to fight how heavy my head felt. "Or I’ll fuck y’all all up with Malachite over there. He’s mine. All…mine.”

My head fell back and I had no strength to lift it as my body felt numb.

“Okay. That was fucking scary.” I heard Arthur’s voice which sounded rather sane, but I couldn’t respond to his comment as it felt like the world was spinning like a speedy merry-go-round.

“I knew that would happen.” My body tingled at the male voice, which made me realize that it was Amos’s voice. “That’s the side the Vile Queen wants to awaken. Her trump card.”

“That’s why you wanted me to bring her to this clearing,” Malachite spoke with a bit of annoyance. “Fuck. She killed everything here.”

“Easy fix,” Amos dismissed like it truly wasn’t a big deal. “You okay?”

“I’ll survive,” Malachite dismissed.

“I have to know before the others get here,” Arthur brought up and I swore he somehow managed to get me in his hold because his voice was coming from the right side of my ear. “Did that actually turn you on?”

“Fuck off,” Malachite dismissed, which only made Arthur struggle not to laugh his head off.

“You can’t hide it! Your cock is fucking hard like a fucking Onyx from that classic Pokemon shit! You have the hots for Cynical Willow. I’m telling Sweet Domino when she comes out of it!”

“Dare say a fucking word and I’ll kill you in your sleep,” Malachite snarled.

“You see, I’d be trembling in fear if I wasn’t Lucifer’s son. Sadly, he doesn’t want me dying such a pitiful death. It has to be worthy or some odd bullshit like that so being killed by you would simply disappoint him.”

“I wonder who would lose it on Arthur first. Loki, Onyx, or Malachite,” Milo pondered to which Amos replied, “Onyx. Loki dealt with his bullshit for while has he not?”

“Ya,” Milo replied.

“As for Malachite, he’s just irritable because he had an audience watch him be in a vulnerable situation,” Amos acknowledged.

“Shut the fuck up,” Malachite snapped.

“Oh. Be careful, Beta Malachite. You may be protected by Cynical Willow, who we should think of a nice name for now that we know she’s like a combined identity of all Willow’s splits in one, but even I fear King Amos’s wrath. That actually means something.”

“There you guys are,” Jayce’s voice called out.

“Shit. Willow,” Onyx cursed.

“Is she okay?” Loki asked.

“Ya. Give her a moment,” Milo encouraged. “The medicine and magic need a bit to circulate through her blood and ease her mind.”

“Where are Dimitris and Viktor?” There came Saint’s voice.

“Viktor made a magical barrier around this area to cloak our energy. Similar to what you guys did when we needed protection during the Lagoon ceremony,” Neo voiced, which made me realize everyone seemed to be here aside from Dimitris and Viktor. “Dimitris, on the other hand, caught onto Garfield’s scent.”

“He’s chasing after him?” Loki sounded like he wanted to spring into action and go help Dimitris out.

“No. He’s marking him,” Amos disclosed.

“Marking?” Onyx sounded confused.

"It’s something only Purebloods can do.” The sudden deep voice immediately gave me Nico vibes. “All Dimitris needs is the scent of Garfield’s blood to make a tracking mark of sorts. It’s not a skill that can be used often, but only royals and those who have an extremely high affinity level can detect it.”