With the day — and I guessed night — we all had, I wouldn’t be surprised that they were all exhausted.
I finally caught onto Dimitris, who was actually in wolf form, curled up on the floor next to the last vintage single-seater in the room that was occupied by Aura, who was curled up in a ball with a fuzzy purple blanket wrapped around her.
She was definitely asleep and yet she looked so damn exhausted that I was actually worried about her. It made my stomach flip oddly, but I couldn’t find the motivation to try to wake her up just yet.
I returned my attention back to Dimitris. My instincts told me he was half asleep. I didn’t want to wake him, but I most certainly needed to get out of here and get some air.
Time to put my teachings from my lovely Russian assassin bodyguard to the test.
Bria briefly looked at me as she absorbed my mental thought, but she returned to her paw-gazing, which only further emphasized her need to run.
It wasn’t hard for me to move out of my Bulky duo’s arms and off the bed. Getting out of the room without making a sound was harder, but I managed to do it and grabbed what I was assuming was Neo’s shirt while doing it.
I slipped it on at the door and managed to close it silently. I managed to walk barefoot three steps before a hand landed on my shoulder.
I stilled completely while covering my mouth so I didn’t make a noise. One squeak and I’d be surrounded by lethal Alpha men ready to fuck shit up before asking questions.
I looked over my shoulder and mentally sighed before I glared at the tall figure who didn’t even look impressed to see me awake — or alive.
“Should I even ask where you’re going?”Beta Malchite’s voice questioned in the hollows of my mind.
He simply stared back at me before I rolled my eyes.
I need air.
“Not by yourself you don’t,”he huffed.
The others are dead ass tired. I don’t need to disturb them.
“Well, you can’t go by yourself.”
This stubborn ass of a Beta wasn’t going to let me off.
Then can you come with me so I don’t wake the whole Forbidden Pack?
He stared at me for a long ten seconds before he shrugged and dropped his hand from my shoulder.
“I can offer my assistance,”he concluded.
Don’t you dare comment with some bullshit excuse like you’re babysitting me or something.
“I wasn’t going to say that.”
You were thinking it. Don’t lie. I can tell.
“More like I was concerned for your safety since you weren’t in the best state of mind earlier,”he concluded and began walking silently as if he didn’t weigh more than 300 pounds.
How are you moving so silently?
I followed him while mentally acknowledging he was actually worried about my mental health —or the fact that I was on the verge of a breakdown earlier.
“You think I could last long being your father’s Beta walking like a massive bear?”
The reminder of Roberto made my heart clench, but I ignored the pang in my chest and focused on the conversation at hand.
You weigh more than a bear so I think I need a better analogy.