Page 180 of Wolf Domination

“You two look like you just want to jump him,” Viktor noted.

“You guys can do that during the after-party,” Milo suggested with a sweet grin.

“To further embarrass our Sweetness?” Neo brought up.

“She’ll just put them in their place, and they’ll probably enjoy her public scrutiny,” Amos casually noted as he clapped.

“That’s exactly what they want,” Dimitris said with a sigh.

“Back to focusing on our Forbidden Queen,” Saint encouraged, and they all looked at me which made me shake my head and smile like a damn fool.

I sadly love you guys.

I made sure my thoughts went through the pack bond before glancing at Amos. His eyes met mine, and they glimmered with hints of hope for what was ahead.

I was still reeling over the fact of having yet another bonded mate, but I was done thinking about it. Going with the flow always made my life a wild adventure, and I guessed it wasn’t going to change.

Maybe it didn’t have to.

Glancing over to Roberto, I noticed Ruby, Whitney, and Queen Elphaba were sitting behind him, and they all looked proud of my uprising as they clapped and cheered.

I specifically stared into Mother’s eyes, and though she tried to keep a hold of her emotions, those iridescent eyes that matched mine in this heightened moment couldn’t reflect more happiness.

“I know we have plenty to talk about, plenty of explanations to understand the hardships you went through, but know that your mother, that I, am proud of you, Willow.”Her voice serenaded into my mind.“Thank you for trusting the path toward your destiny. It’s time to now reap those rewards.”

I smiled in return as I looked forward just so I could blink away my tears.

My gaze caught onto the sight of Aurelia, noticing that she stood against the rail of the upper floor that was filled with many who were either onlookers or were there for the “show” and not the hidden meaning of ascending into the royal position of my birthright.

I knew from one look something was off about her eyes, like they could barely remain open while the lines of her face showed the obvious reflection of anger.

I felt the need to pull my eyes away, but they only widened as they lowered to acknowledge something I’d never expected her to carry in her grasp.

To direct at me.

“Willow?”Onyx’s voice hummed through my mind, but I was too caught up in what was about to happen to register anything. The sound of the crowd faded away, just like the cheers and the classical music that reached its highest note.

All I could focus on was my best friend, whose eyes overflowed with tears.


I mouthed her name, but I knew nothing was about to stop the inevitable, so I braced for what would hit me within seconds as I watched the slow movement of her finger pulling the trigger of the pistol in her grasp.

“GUN!” Whitney’s voice pierced through the air, and I closed my eyes in wait for the piercing shot that would surely hit what Aurelia was targeting—my heart—but I heard something else.

A painful grunt that was followed with plenty of gasps.

My breath got caught in my throat as my eyes widened even further to ensure I was witnessing the unthinkable.

My arms outstretched immediately, catching the man who dared to come in between to save me from the hands of death.

We dropped to the ground, but I quickly sat up and rushed to see where the bullet struck. My gaze landed right on his chest, which was beginning to be cloaked with a striking shade of red.

Everything else happening around me seemed to fade away as I forced myself to acknowledge the inevitable—my eyes meeting the pair of blue ones that didn’t dare let me see the fear that I could sense rushing through his body.

“W-W-W…” I struggled to speak as my breaths came out faster, my head shaking from side to side in hopes I’d snap out of this hallucination, but there was that chuckle.

The sound of merriment that tried to downplay his losing chances.